cdrom-xen/cdrom/xen/initrd.gz                   -- initrd for installing under Xen
cdrom-xen/cdrom/xen/vmlinuz                     -- kernel image for installing under Xen
cdrom-xen/cdrom/xen/xm-debian.cfg               -- example Xen configuration
cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz                     -- isolinux config files for CD
cdrom/initrd.gz                                 -- initrd for use with isolinux to build a CD
cdrom/vmlinuz                                   -- kernel for use with isolinux to build a CD
hd-media/boot.img.gz                            -- 800 mb image (compressed) for USB memory stick
hd-media/initrd.gz                              -- for use on USB memory sticks
hd-media/vmlinuz                                -- for use on USB memory sticks
netboot/boot.img.gz                             -- compressed network install image for USB memory stick
netboot/mini.iso                                -- tiny CD image that boots the netboot installer
netboot/netboot.tar.gz                          -- tarball of PXE boot directory
netboot/ubuntu-installer                        -- PXE boot directory for tftp server
netboot/xen/initrd.gz                           -- initrd for installing under Xen
netboot/xen/vmlinuz                             -- kernel image for installing under Xen
netboot/xen/xm-debian.cfg                       -- example Xen configuration
utopic-cdrom-xen/utopic-cdrom/xen/initrd.gz     -- initrd for installing under Xen
utopic-cdrom-xen/utopic-cdrom/xen/vmlinuz       -- kernel image for installing under Xen
utopic-cdrom-xen/utopic-cdrom/xen/xm-debian.cfg -- example Xen configuration
utopic-cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz              -- isolinux config files for CD
utopic-cdrom/gtk/debian-cd_info.tar.gz          -- isolinux help screens for CD (graphical)
utopic-cdrom/gtk/initrd.gz                      -- initrd for use with isolinux to build a CD (graphical)
utopic-cdrom/gtk/vmlinuz                        -- kernel for use with isolinux to build a CD (graphical)
utopic-cdrom/initrd.gz                          -- initrd for use with isolinux to build a CD
utopic-cdrom/vmlinuz                            -- kernel for use with isolinux to build a CD
utopic-hd-media/boot.img.gz                     -- 800 mb image (compressed) for USB memory stick
utopic-hd-media/gtk/initrd.gz                   -- for use on USB memory sticks
utopic-hd-media/gtk/vmlinuz                     -- for use on USB memory sticks
utopic-hd-media/initrd.gz                       -- for use on USB memory sticks
utopic-hd-media/vmlinuz                         -- for use on USB memory sticks
utopic-netboot/boot.img.gz                      -- compressed network install image for USB memory stick
utopic-netboot/mini.iso                         -- tiny CD image that boots the netboot installer
utopic-netboot/netboot.tar.gz                   -- tarball of PXE boot directory
utopic-netboot/ubuntu-installer                 -- PXE boot directory for tftp server
vivid-cdrom-xen/vivid-cdrom/xen/initrd.gz       -- initrd for installing under Xen
vivid-cdrom-xen/vivid-cdrom/xen/vmlinuz         -- kernel image for installing under Xen
vivid-cdrom-xen/vivid-cdrom/xen/xm-debian.cfg   -- example Xen configuration
vivid-cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz               -- isolinux config files for CD
vivid-cdrom/gtk/debian-cd_info.tar.gz           -- isolinux help screens for CD (graphical)
vivid-cdrom/gtk/initrd.gz                       -- initrd for use with isolinux to build a CD (graphical)
vivid-cdrom/gtk/vmlinuz                         -- kernel for use with isolinux to build a CD (graphical)
vivid-cdrom/initrd.gz                           -- initrd for use with isolinux to build a CD
vivid-cdrom/vmlinuz                             -- kernel for use with isolinux to build a CD
vivid-hd-media/boot.img.gz                      -- 800 mb image (compressed) for USB memory stick
vivid-hd-media/gtk/initrd.gz                    -- for use on USB memory sticks
vivid-hd-media/gtk/vmlinuz                      -- for use on USB memory sticks
vivid-hd-media/initrd.gz                        -- for use on USB memory sticks
vivid-hd-media/vmlinuz                          -- for use on USB memory sticks
vivid-netboot/boot.img.gz                       -- compressed network install image for USB memory stick
vivid-netboot/mini.iso                          -- tiny CD image that boots the netboot installer
vivid-netboot/netboot.tar.gz                    -- tarball of PXE boot directory
vivid-netboot/ubuntu-installer                  -- PXE boot directory for tftp server
wily-cdrom-xen/wily-cdrom/xen/initrd.gz         -- initrd for installing under Xen
wily-cdrom-xen/wily-cdrom/xen/vmlinuz           -- kernel image for installing under Xen
wily-cdrom-xen/wily-cdrom/xen/xm-debian.cfg     -- example Xen configuration
wily-cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz                -- isolinux config files for CD
wily-cdrom/gtk/debian-cd_info.tar.gz            -- isolinux help screens for CD (graphical)
wily-cdrom/gtk/initrd.gz                        -- initrd for use with isolinux to build a CD (graphical)
wily-cdrom/gtk/vmlinuz                          -- kernel for use with isolinux to build a CD (graphical)
wily-cdrom/initrd.gz                            -- initrd for use with isolinux to build a CD
wily-cdrom/vmlinuz                              -- kernel for use with isolinux to build a CD
wily-hd-media/boot.img.gz                       -- 800 mb image (compressed) for USB memory stick
wily-hd-media/gtk/initrd.gz                     -- for use on USB memory sticks
wily-hd-media/gtk/vmlinuz                       -- for use on USB memory sticks
wily-hd-media/initrd.gz                         -- for use on USB memory sticks
wily-hd-media/vmlinuz                           -- for use on USB memory sticks
wily-netboot/boot.img.gz                        -- compressed network install image for USB memory stick
wily-netboot/mini.iso                           -- tiny CD image that boots the netboot installer
wily-netboot/netboot.tar.gz                     -- tarball of PXE boot directory
wily-netboot/ubuntu-installer                   -- PXE boot directory for tftp server
xenial-cdrom-xen/xenial-cdrom/xen/initrd.gz     -- initrd for installing under Xen
xenial-cdrom-xen/xenial-cdrom/xen/vmlinuz       -- kernel image for installing under Xen
xenial-cdrom-xen/xenial-cdrom/xen/xm-debian.cfg -- example Xen configuration
xenial-cdrom/debian-cd_info.tar.gz              -- isolinux config files for CD
xenial-cdrom/gtk/debian-cd_info.tar.gz          -- isolinux help screens for CD (graphical)
xenial-cdrom/gtk/initrd.gz                      -- initrd for use with isolinux to build a CD (graphical)
xenial-cdrom/gtk/vmlinuz                        -- kernel for use with isolinux to build a CD (graphical)
xenial-cdrom/initrd.gz                          -- initrd for use with isolinux to build a CD
xenial-cdrom/vmlinuz                            -- kernel for use with isolinux to build a CD
xenial-hd-media/boot.img.gz                     -- 800 mb image (compressed) for USB memory stick
xenial-hd-media/gtk/initrd.gz                   -- for use on USB memory sticks
xenial-hd-media/gtk/vmlinuz                     -- for use on USB memory sticks
xenial-hd-media/initrd.gz                       -- for use on USB memory sticks
xenial-hd-media/vmlinuz                         -- for use on USB memory sticks
xenial-netboot/boot.img.gz                      -- compressed network install image for USB memory stick
xenial-netboot/mini.iso                         -- tiny CD image that boots the netboot installer
xenial-netboot/netboot.tar.gz                   -- tarball of PXE boot directory
xenial-netboot/ubuntu-installer                 -- PXE boot directory for tftp server