category: Editors
requires: bash cygwin girepository-Gtk3.0 girepository-GtkSource3.0 libatk1.0_0 libcairo2 libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0 libgirepository1.0_1 libglib2.0_0 libgspell1_1 libgtk3_0 libgtksourceview3.0_1 libintl8 libpango1.0_0 libpeas1.0_0 libX11_6 libxml2 python3 python3-gi girepository-Peas1.0 gnome-terminal gvfs zenity
sdesc: "Text editor for the GNOME Desktop"
ldesc: "gedit is a small and lightweight UTF-8 text editor for the GNOME
environment. Complete GNOME integration is featured, with support for
Drag and Drop (DnD) between Nautilus (the GNOME file manager) and the
use of the GNOME help system, the GNOME Virtual File System and the
GNOME print framework."