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Linux Documentation Project Links: Printed Books Now Available
- Introduction to Linux - A Beginer's Guide, by Machtelt Garrels, published by Fultus Publishing
242 pages, second edition 2007, ISBN 1596821124 (Paperback POD), ISBN 1596821140 (eBook PDF).
- What is Linux
- Quickstart
- About Files and the File System
- Processes
- I/O Redirection
- Text Editors
- Customization
- Printers and Printing
- Fundamental Backup Techniques
- Networking
- Bash Guide for Beginners, by Fultus
198 pages, published 2004, ISBN 0-9744339-4-2
- Bash and Bash Scripts
- Writing and Debugging Scripts
- The Bash Environment
- Regular Expressions
- The GNU sed Stream Editor
- The GNU awk Programming Language
- Conditional Statements
- Writing Interactive Scripts
- Repetitive Tasks
- More on Variables
- Functions
- Catching Signals
- Securing and Optimizing Linux: The Hacking Solution, by OpenNA Linux
1208 pages, published 2002, ISBN 0968879314
- Installation Reference
- Networking Reference
- Cryptography and Authentication
- Monitoring and System Integrity
- DNS, IMAP, FTP Reference
- Database Reference
- Backup Reference
Linux Documentation Project Links: Outdated works
- Administrating Linux: The Basics; by OpenDocs
Donates a percentage of sales back to the
OpenSource Documentation Fund.
- Unix and Internet Fundamentals HOWTO
- Installation HOWTO
- Administration Made Easy
- Bash Prompt HOWTO
- Linux Printing HOWTO
- BootPrompt HOWTO
- Kernel HOWTO
- Multi Disk System Tuning
- Mail User HOWTO
- Modem HOWTO
- Networking Overview HOWTO
- Security HOWTO
- XFree86 HOWTO
- Linux Complete; by Sybex
992 pages, second edition 2001, ISBN 0-7821-4036-X
- What is Linux?
- Unix and Internet Fundamentals
- Distributions--Red Hat, Debian, and others
- Installing Linux
- Installing, Configuring, and Running XFree 86
- Printers
- Linux Networking Overview
- Ethernet
- Cable Modems
- IP Masquerading
- Importance of Linux Security
- IP Chains
Linux on the Desktop
- Gnome (GNU Networked Object Model Environment)
- The K Desktop Environment (KDE)
Linux References
- Extensive Command Reference
- Linux Reading List
- Linux HOWTOs
- Linux the Complete Reference; by
Linux System Labs. In its 7th Edition.
- Table of Contents Link is broken. I will supply the info if I can find
another source.
- Securing and Optimizing Linux: RedHat Edition; by OpenDocs
Donates a percentage of sales back to the OpenSource Documentation Fund.
This book is 470+ pages. It can be downloaded here (4 Meg Download).
- RedHat 6.2 CD
- RedHat 6.2 Powertools CD
- Linux Installation
- Descriptions of programs packages we must uninstall for securities reasons
- Descriptions of programs that must be uninstalled after installation of the server
- Linux General Security
- Linux General Optimization
- Linux Kernel
- Linux TCP/IP Network Management
- Linux Masquerading and Forwarding
- Linux Compiler functionality
- Linux sXid
- Linux Logcheck
- Linux PortSentry
- Linux OpenSSH Client/Server
- Linux SSH2 Client/Server
- Linux Tripwire 2.2.1
- Linux Tripwire ASR 1.3.1
- Linux GnuPG
- Set Quota on your Linux system
- Linux DNS and BIND Server
- Linux Sendmail Server (includes 8.10.1)
- Linux IMAP & POP Server
- Enable IMAP or POP via the tcp-wrappers inetd super server
- Linux OPENSSL Server
- Linux FreeS/WAN VPN
- Linux OpenLDAP Server
- Linux PostgreSQL Database Server
- Linux Squid Proxy Server
- Linux MM - Shared Memory Library for Apache
- Linux Apache Web Server
- Linux Webalizer
- Linux FAQ-O-Matic
- Linux Webmail IMP
- Linux Samba Server
- Linux FTP Server
- Linux Backup and Restore
- Tweaks, Tips and Administration tasks
- Obtaining Requests for Comments (RFCs)
- Linux Network Administrator's
Guide, 2nd Edition
by Olaf Kirch & Terry Dawson; published by
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
503 pages; second edition 2002, ISBN 1-56592-400-2.
- Introduction to networking
- Issues of TCP/IP networking
- Configuring the networking hardware
- Configuring serial hardware
- Configuring TCP/IP Networking
- Name service and resolver configuration
- Serial line IP
- The point-to-point protocol
- iTCP/IP Firewall
- IP Accounting
- IP Masquerade and network address translation
- Important network features
- The network information system
- The network file system
- IPX and the NCP file system
- Managing Taylor UUCP
- Electronic Mail
- Sendmail
- Getting Exim up and running
- Netnews
- C news
- NNTP and the NTP daemon
- Internet news
- Newsreader configuration
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