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Debian Euro HOWTO (Obsolete Documentation)
Chapter 2 - Automatic configuration

2.1 The language-env package

This package is an attempt to setup the user's environment locale properly by changing the user's ~/.bash_profile, ~/.Xresources and other user's configuration files. The included program guides the user in the definition of the locale by asking for his country and whether he desires (or not) euro support. Those tasks that need to be taken aside (since the program runs as an ordinary user it cannot change system-wide settings) are presented to the user so he can (as superuser) make the appropriate changes.

2.2 The euro-support package

The euro-support package is an attempt to provide appropriate system-wide configuration to represent the euro character easily in the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. This package provides this configuration in two ways:

NOTE: The second part is not yet built-in euro-support.

There are currently three packages:


includes this document as well as the euro-test program


includes the dependencies for providing euro icon in console environment


includes the dependencies for the X windows environment

2.2.1 The euro-test program

There is a test program called euro-test in the euro-support package program provided in order for the user to see if the euro symbol is properly represented in his system. This program has been written in order to test if the system configuration is appropriate and works both for the text console and the X graphic environment. Although developed for the Debian GNU/Linux system it can be used in other GNU/Linux operating systems in order to test for the euro support.

The goal of the program is to determine if/why the user's system provides the euro symbol. The information gathered could be used to manually configure the system properly together with this document.

2.3 The user-euro-XXX packages

There are also some packages (currently there is only a spanish version: the user-euro-es package) that will fully customize the system's (not the user's) enviroment in order to provide euro support. This packages will (through the execution of a given command) modify the system's configuration files (as explained below) and take the necessary steps to configure the environment.

Administrators in a haste are encouraged to use this packages and run the aforementioned scripts (eurocastellanizar for user-euro-es). However, users are encouraged to read through this document in order to be forewarned of all the issues (some of which cannot be tackled automatically).

This package is an attempt to setup the user's environment locale

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Debian Euro HOWTO (Obsolete Documentation)

version 1.2, june 4th 2003.

Javier Fern�ndez-Sanguino Pe�a jfs@computer.org