4.7. Update of the latest software

Keep and update all software especially network software up to date with the latest versions. Check the errata pages for the Red Hat Linux distribution, available at www.redhat.com/corp/support/errata/index.html. The errata pages are perhaps the best resource for fixing 90% of the common problems with Red Hat Linux. In addition, security holes for which a solution exists are generally on the errata page 24 hours after Red Hat has been notified. You should always check there first. Software that must be updated at this time for your Red Hat Linux server are:

groff-1_15-1_i386.rpm pam-0_68-10_i386.rpm
sysklogd-1_3_31-14_i386.rpm gpm-1.19.1-1.i386.rpm
initscripts-4_70-1_i386.rpm Linux kernel 2.2.14 -linux-2_2_14_tar.gz
e2fsprogs-1.17-1.i386.rpm gpm-1.19.1-1.i386.rpm

Note: The Linux kernel is the most important, and always must be updated. See below for more information on building a custom kernel for your specific system.

You can verify that the RPM software above is installed on your system before make an update with the following command:
         [root@deep] /#rpm -q <softwarename>
Where <softwarename> is the name of the software you want to verify like groff, sysklogd, etc.