28.1. Linux Squid Proxy Server

In our compilation and configuration we'll configure Squid to run as an httpd-accelerator to get more performance out of our web server. In accelerator mode, the Squid server acts as a reverse proxy cache: it accepts client requests, serves them out of cache, if possible, or requests them from the original server for which it is the reverse proxy. Also we'll show you how to configure Squid as a proxy-caching server to be able to let all users in your corporate network use Squid to access the Internet.

These installation instructions assume

These are Package(s) and are available here:

Squid Homepage:http://www.squid-cache.org/
Squid FTP Site:
You must be sure to download: squid-2.3.STABLE2-src.tar.gz

Before you decompress tarballs, it is a good idea to make a list of files on the system before you install Squid, and one afterwards, and then compare them using diff to find out what file it placed where. Simply run find /* > Squid1 before and find /* > Squid2 after you install the software, and use diff Squid1 Squid2 > Squid-Installed to get a list of what changed.

To Compile, you need to decompress the tarball, tar.gz.:
                 [root@deep] /# cp squid-version.STABLEz-src.tar.gz /var/tmp
                 [root@deep] /# cd /var/tmp
                 [root@deep ]/tmp# tar xzpf squid-version.STABLEz-src.tar.gz