1.�Common information

1.1.�Node Mobility

Support for IPv6 mobility can be enabled in Linux by installing the MIPL2 implementation found at: http://www.mobile-ipv6.org/

This implementation is compliant with RFC 3775. It is composed of a kernel patch and a mobility daemon called mip6d. Version 2.0.1 applies on Linux kernel 2.6.15.

Installation and setup are described in the Linux Mobile IPv6 HOWTO.

1.2.�Network Mobility

There also exists an implementation of network mobility for Linux, it is called NEPL and is based on MIPL. It can also be downloaded from: http://www.mobile-ipv6.org/.

The HOWTO document describing setup and configuration is available at: http://www.nautilus6.org/doc/nepl-howto/.
