Wiki::Gateway presents an API for interaction with remote wikis.

You must have the Python module "WikiGateway" installed first. Wiki::Gateway is a wrapper for the Python module.

If you'd like a pure Perl implementation of Wiki::Gateway, see release version 0.00143.



use Wiki::Gateway;

$result = Wiki::Gateway::getPage('', $wiki_type, 'SandBox');

$result = Wiki::Gateway::putPage('', $wiki_type, 'SandBox', $page_source_text);

$timestamp = Wiki::Gateway::daysAgoToDate(1);
$result = Wiki::Gateway::getRecentChanges('',$wiki_type, $timestamp);

$result = Wiki::Gateway::getAllPages('',$wiki_type);


Right now, WikiGateway supports (i.e. knows how to talk to) the following wiki engines:

* MoinMoin ($wiki_type = "moinmoin1")
* UseMod   ($wiki_type = "usemod1")
* OddMuse  ($wiki_type = "usemod1")

Wiki::Gateway is part of a suite of related programs, including a command-line client, an Atom proxy server which can act as a proxy for a wiki, and an XML-RPC proxy server. See for more information.

To get help, email the WikiGateway users' mailing list:

   -- Bayle Shanks