[](https://travis-ci.org/karupanerura/p5-JSON5) [](https://codecov.io/github/karupanerura/p5-JSON5?branch=master) [](https://metacpan.org/release/JSON5) # NAME JSON5 - The JSON5 implementation for Perl 5 # SYNOPSIS ```perl use JSON5; my $object = decode_json5('{$ref:"#"}'); # { '$ref' => "#" } ``` # DESCRIPTION JSON5 is the JSON5 implementation for Perl 5 # FUNCTIONAL INTERFACE Some documents are copied and modified from ["FUNCTIONAL INTERFACE" in JSON::PP](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON::PP#FUNCTIONAL-INTERFACE). ## decode\_json5 ``` $perl_scalar = decode_json5 $json_text ``` expects an UTF-8 (binary) string and tries to parse that as an UTF-8 encoded JSON5 text, returning the resulting reference. This function call is functionally identical to: ``` $perl_scalar = JSON5->new->utf8->decode($json_text) ``` # METHODS Some documents are copied and modified from ["METHODS" in JSON5::PP](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON5::PP#METHODS). ## new ``` $json5 = JSON5->new ``` Returns a new JSON5 object that can be used to decode JSON5 strings. All boolean flags described below are by default _disabled_. The mutators for flags all return the JSON5 object again and thus calls can be chained: ```perl my $object = JSON5->new->utf8->allow_nonref->decode("true") => JSON::PP::true ``` ## utf8 ``` $json5 = $json5->utf8([$enable]) $enabled = $json5->get_utf8 ``` If $enable is true (or missing), then the decode method expects to be handled an UTF-8-encoded string. Please note that UTF-8-encoded strings do not contain any characters outside the range 0..255, they are thus useful for bytewise/binary I/O. (In Perl 5.005, any character outside the range 0..255 does not exist. See to ["UNICODE HANDLING ON PERLS"](#unicode-handling-on-perls).) In future versions, enabling this option might enable auto-detection of the UTF-16 and UTF-32 encoding families, as described in RFC4627. If $enable is false, then the decode expects thus a Unicode string. Any decoding (e.g. to UTF-8 or UTF-16) needs to be done yourself, e.g. using the Encode module. Example, decode UTF-32LE-encoded JSON5: ```perl use Encode; $object = JSON5->new->decode (decode "UTF-32LE", $json5text); ``` ## allow\_nonref ``` $json5 = $json5->allow_nonref([$enable]) $enabled = $json5->get_allow_nonref ``` If `$enable` is true (or missing), then the `decode` method will accept a non-reference into its corresponding string, number or null JSON5 value, which is an extension to RFC4627. If `$enable` is false, then the `decode` method will croak if given something that is not a JSON5 object or array. ## max\_size ``` $json5 = $json5->max_size([$maximum_string_size]) $max_size = $json5->get_max_size ``` Set the maximum length a JSON5 text may have (in bytes) where decoding is being attempted. The default is `0`, meaning no limit. When `decode` is called on a string that is longer then this many bytes, it will not attempt to decode the string but throw an exception. If no argument is given, the limit check will be deactivated (same as when `0` is specified). ## decode ``` $perl_scalar = $json5->decode($json5_text) ``` JSON5 numbers and strings become simple Perl scalars. JSON5 arrays become Perl arrayrefs and JSON5 objects become Perl hashrefs. `true` becomes `1` (`JSON::PP::true`), `false` becomes `0` (`JSON::PP::false`), `NaN` becomes `'NaN'`, `Infinity` becomes `'Inf'`, and `null` becomes `undef`. # SEE ALSO [JSON::PP](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON::PP) # LICENSE Copyright (C) karupanerura. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR karupanerura <karupa@cpan.org>