Games/Messages version 0.04

Games::Messages - Random messages for common situations in games


  use Games::Messages qw/:all/;

  print player_wins($player);
  # prints something like "$player wins." or "Hurray for $player!"

  print player_loses($player);
  # prints something like "$player is gone with the wind."

  print computer_beats_computer();
  # prints something like "The winner: Computer!! The loser:
  # Computer!! Hurray...'

  print computer_beats_player($player);
  # prints something like 'Maybe you should leave the game to me and
  # go do something else.'

  print player_beats_computer($player);
  # prints something like "Next time my AI will be better, you'll see"

  print player_beats_player($winner, $loser);
  # prints something like '$winner wipes the floor with $loser.'

  print player_is_idle($player);
  # prints something like 'I hope you have a good reason for leaving
  # me here alone.'

  print player_exagerates($player);
  # prints something like 'Enough is enough, you know?'


Games::Messages returns random messages for common situations in


There are eight functions available, suitable for different

There are functions for situations where a computer interacts with a
human player. However, if your computer player has a name, you might
consider using instead the function I<player_beats_player>, passing as
parameters the name of the winning player (which might be human or
not) and the defeated player (likewise).

Messages returned are meant as direct speech directed to the human
player (that is, the person with the keyboard; yes, you). They might
not be suitable for anything else apart than showing them to that

=head2 player_wins

Returns a message suitable for a player who has won a game.

  print player_wins($player_name);
  # that prints something like "$player_name wins."

=head2 player_loses

Returns a message suitable for a player who has lost a game.

  print player_loses($player_name);
  # that prints something like "No more $player_name."

=head2 computer_beats_computer

Returns a message suitable for a situation where a computer player as
defeated another computer player.

  print computer_beats_computer();
  # that prints something like 'Oh yeah... I just love playing against
  # myself...'

=head2 computer_beats_player

Returns a message suitable for a situation where a computer has
defeated a human player.

  print computer_beats_player($player_name);
  # that prints something like "I tell you... artificial intelligence
  # rulez!"

=head2 player_beats_computer

Returns a message suitable for a situation where a human player has
defeated a computer player.

  print player_beats_computer($player_name);
  # that prints something like "$player_name rulez."

=head2 player_beats_player

Returns a message suitable for a situation where a human player has
beaten another human player.

  print player_beats_player($winner_name, $loser_name);
  # that prints something like "$winner_name beats the hell out of
  # $loser_name."

=head2 player_is_idle

Returns a message suitable to be shown to an idle user.

  print player_is_idle($player_name);
  # that prints something like 'Gone to the bathroom, uh?'

=head2 player_exagerates

Returns a message suitable to be shown to a player who is exagerating
and should leave the game.

  print player_exagerates($player_name);
  # that prints something like "Don't you think it's about time you
  # turn me off?"

=head1 TO DO

=over 6

=item * More messages;

=item * Offensive messages;

=item * Perhaps a way to guarantee that messages don't repeat
themselves too fast? (that is, go through all messages before
repeating one?)


=head1 AUTHOR

Jose Castro, C<< <> >>


Copyright 2004 Jose Castro, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.