Regru::API - Perl bindings for API v2

    version 0.042

        my $client = Regru::API->new(
            username => 'test',
            password => 'test',

        # trivial API request
        my $resp = $client->nop;

        if ($resp->is_success) {
            print $response->get('user_id');
        else {
            print "Error code: " . $resp->error_code . ", Error text: " . $resp->error_text;

    Regru::API implements simplified access to the REG.API v2 provided by
    REG.RU LLC. This is a JSON-driven implementation. Input/output request
    data will transforms from/to JSON transparently.

  Rate limiting
    Rate limiting in version 2 of the REG.API is considered on a per-user
    and per-ip basic. The REG.API methods have not divided into groups by
    limit level. There is no difference between them. At the moment REG.API
    v2 allows to execute 1200 requests per-user and per-ip within "1 hour"
    window. Both limits are acting at the same time. If the limits has
    exceeded then REG.API sets the error code (depends on kind of) to
    "ACCOUNT_EXCEEDED_ALLOWED_CONNECTION_RATE" which might be checked via
    attribute error_code.

    The following tips are there might helps to reduce the possibility of
    being rate limited:

        Store all domain name or service related data locally and use the
        REG.API in cases you want to change some data in the registry (e.g.
        contact data, DNS servers, etc).

    Bulk requests
        Group similar items and execute a bulk API request. A bunch of
        methods supports sending request for the list of items at the same
        time (e.g. multiple domain names). Check the details at REG.API
        Service list identification parameters

        Keep the logs of interactions with REG.API (requests and responses).
        This will helps quickly resolve the issues instead of sending
        additional requests to find out what's happened.

  Categories (namespaces)
    REG.API methods are divided into categories (namespaces). When you wish
    to make an API request to some REG.API method, that belongs to some
    namespace (category) you should get a namespace handler (defined as
    trivial client's method):

        # suppose we already have a client

        # or like this
        $zone = $client->zone;

    At the moment there are the following namespaces:

        General purpose methods such as "nop", "reseller_nop" etc which are
        described below. Actually is a virtual namespace defined by client.
        No needs to get namespace handler. The methods of this "namespace"
        are available as client's methods directly.


        See "REG.API METHODS".

        User account management methods.

            # suppose we already have a client

        See Regru::API::User for details and REG.API Account management
        functions <>.

        Domain names management methods.

            # suppose we already have a client
                domain_name => '',

        See Regru::API::Domain for details and REG.API Domain management
        functions <>.

        DNS resource records management methods.

            # suppose we already have a client
                domain_name => '',

        See Regru::API::Zone for details and REG.API DNS management
        functions <>.

        Service management methods.

            # suppose we already have a client
                domain_name => '',
                servtype    => 'srv_hosting_plesk',

        See Regru::API::Service for details and REG.API Service management

        User folders management methods.

            # suppose we already have a client
                folder_name => 'UNIT',

        See Regru::API::Folder for details and REG.API Folder management
        functions <>.

        Invoice management methods.

            # suppose we already have a client
                limit => 10,

        See Regru::API::Bill for details and REG.API Invoice management
        functions <>.

  Methods accessibility
    All REG.API methods can be divided into categories of accessibility. On
    manual pages of this distibution accessibility marked by "scope" tag. At
    the moment the following categories of accessibility present:

        All methods tagged by this one are accessible to all users. Those
        methods does not require authentication before call.

        This tag indicates the methods which accessible only for users
        registered on <> website. Strongly
        required an authenticated API request.

        Group of methods which accessible only for partners (resellers) of
        the REG.RU LLC. Actually, partners (resellers) able to execute all
        methods of the REG.API without any restrictions.

  Request parameters
    Each API request should contains a set of parameters. There are the
    following parameters:

    authentication parameters
        These parameters are mandatory for the each method that requires
        authentication. This group of parameters includes "username" and
        "password". Both parameters should be passed to the constructor and
        their will be added to API request.

    management parameters
        This group include parameters defines input/output formats,
        encodings and language prefecence. Some parameters are fixed to
        certains values, some might be set via passing values to the
        constructor: see "io_encoding" and "lang" options.

    service identification parameters
        The group of parameters with aims to point to the particular service
        or group of services such as domain names, folders, etc. Should be
        passed to an API request together with "method specific parameters".

        More info at REG.API Service identification parameters

    method specific parameters
        Parameters applicable to a particular API method. Very wide group.
        Strongly recommended to consult with REG.API documentation for each
        method before perform an API request to it. The distribution's
        manual pages includes links to documentation for each API method
        call. The main source for the method specific parameters available
        at REG.API General description of functions

  Response parameters
    Response parameters of the API request automatically handles by
    Regru::API::Response module. There is no reasons to do some addtional
    work on them. Each response may contains the following set of fileds:

        The result of API request. Either "success" or "error". Can be
        accessed via attribute is_success in boolean context.

        The answer of API method call. May appear only when result of API
        request was successful. Can be accessed via attribute answer.
        Default value is "{}" (empty HashRef). Gets assigned a default value
        if result of API request was finished with error.

        The error code of API method call. May appear only when result of
        API request finished with error. Can be accessed via attribute
        error_code. See details at REG.API Common error codes

        The short description of error. The language depends on option lang
        "new" passed to constructor. May appear only when result of API
        request finished with error. Can be accessed via attribute
        error_text. See details at REG.API Common error codes

        Additional parameters included to the error. May appear only when
        result of API request finished with error. Can be accessed via
        attribute error_params.

  Access to REG.API in test mode
    REG.RU LLC provides an access to REG.API in test mode. For this, might
    be used a test account with "username" and "password" equals to test.

        my $client = Regru::API->new(username => 'test', password => 'test');
        # we're in test mode now

    In the test mode REG.API engine (at server-side) handles API request:
    ensures necessary checks of input parameters, produces response but
    actually does not perform any real actions/changes.

    Also, for debugging purposes REG.API provides a special set of methods
    allows to ensure the remote system for availability without workload at
    minimal response time. Each namespace has method called nop for that.

    Creates a client instance to interract with REG.API.

        my $client = Regru::API->new(
            username => 'Rassilon',
            password => 'You die with me, Doctor!'

        my $resp = $client->user->get_balance;

        print $resp->get('prepay') if $resp->is_success;

        # another cool code...

    Available options:

        Account name of the user to access to <>
        website. Required. Should be passed at instance create time.
        Although it might be changed at runtime.

            my $client = Regru::API->new(username => 'Cyberman', password => 'Exterminate!');
            # at runtime

        Account password of the user to access to
        <> website or an alternative password for API
        defined at Reseller settings <>
        page. Required. Should be passed at instance create time. Although
        it might be changed at runtime.

            my $client = Regru::API->new(username => 'Master', password => 'Doctor');
            # at runtime

        Defines encoding that will be used for data exchange between the
        Service and the Client. At the moment REG.API v2 supports the
        following encodings: "utf8", "cp1251", "koi8-r", "koi8-u", "cp866".
        Optional. Default value is utf8.

            my $client = Regru::API->new(..., io_encoding => 'cp1251');
            # or at runtime

            my $resp = $client->user->create(
                user_login      => 'othertest',
                user_password   => '111',
                user_email      => '',
                user_first_name => $cp1251_encoded_name

        Defines the language which will be used in error messages. At the
        moment REG.API v2 supports the following languages: "en" (English),
        "ru" (Russian) and "th" (Thai). Optional. Default value is en.

            my $client = Regru::API->new(..., lang => 'ru');
            # or at runtime

            print $client->nop->error_text; # -> "Ошибка аутентификации по паролю"

        A few messages will be printed to STDERR. Default value is 0
        (suppressed debug activity).

            my $client = Regru::API->new(..., debug => 1);
            # or at runtime

    Returns a handler to access to REG.API user account management methods.
    See Regru::API::User.

    Returns a handler to access to REG.API domain name management methods.
    See Regru::API::Domain.

    Returns a handler to access to REG.API DNS resource records management
    methods. See Regru::API::Zone.

    Returns a handler to access to REG.API service management methods. See

    Returns a handler to access to REG.API folder management methods. See

    Returns a handler to access to REG.API invoice management methods. See

    Creates shortcuts to REG.API categories (namespaces). Used internally.

    For testing purposes. Scope: everyone. Typical usage:

        $resp = $client->nop;

    Answer will contains an user_id and login fields.

    More info at Common functions: nop

    Similar to previous one but only for partners. Scope: partners. Typical

        $resp = $client->reseller_nop;

    Answer will contains an user_id and login fields.

    More info at Common functions: nop

    Get the identifier of the current user. Scope: clients. Typical usage:

        $resp = $client->get_user_id;

    Answer will contains an user_id field.

    More info at Common functions: nop

    Get service or domain name identifier by its name. Scope: clients.
    Typical usage:

        $resp = $client->get_service_id(
            domain_name => '',

    Answer will contains a service_id field or error code if requested
    domain name/service not found.

    More info at Common functions: nop








    REG.API Common functions

    REG.API Common error codes

    Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website

    When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch
    to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.

    *   Polina Shubina <>

    *   Anton Gerasimov <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2013 by REG.RU LLC.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.