#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
# Takes a template directory on the command line and
# a MIME message on stdin and dumps it in parts to the
# directory.
# Sample template:
#	 /home/user/mail/attachments/%Y%m%d-%#
# Expansions available in templates:
#       everything strftime() gives you, plus:
#	%#	a number to make the directory unique
# Benjamin Elijah Griffin	20 July 2001

use strict;
use File::NFSLock;
use File::Path;         # for a portable `mkdir -p`: mkpath()
use POSIX qw( strftime );
use MIME::Base64;
use MIME::QuotedPrint;

use vars qw( $template
             $dir $lock $level $message %levelpart
             %default $REmimeval $REextension $REfilename $REpath $REtmpldir
	     $VERSION );

$VERSION = '0.75';

%default = (
  # When no content-type specified, consider it this.
  contenttype        => "text/plain",

  # Prefixes of output files with internally generated names
  headerprefix       => "headers",
  mimepreambleprefix => "mimepreamble",
  mimeepilogueprefix => "mimeepilogue",
  partprefix         => "part",

  # Print all parts? Headers, mime preamble and epilogue, part headers...
  printall         => 0,

  # Recurse into message/* parts?
  messagerecurse   => 0,

  # If recursing the MIME structure, add extra indentation per recurse level
  indentperlevel   => '  ',

  # Maximum length for a filename (including extension)
  filenamelength   => 80,

  # Print warnings?
  showwarnings     => 0,

  # Don't overwrite existing files
  noclobber        => 0,

  # Suppress printing filenames?
  quiet            => 0,

  # Use index() to split up the message?
  useindexsplit    => 1,

# Match and capture in $1 a filename extension (with the '.').
$REextension = qr/(\.[a-z0-9]{1,7})$/i;

# Match and capture in $1 a filename (ignoring length).
$REfilename  = qr/^([a-z\d][a-z\d\._-]*)$/i;

# Untaint command line path names
$REpath      = qr:^([^<>'"&;!`\$]+)$:;
$REtmpldir   = qr:^(\.?/[^<>'"&;!`\$]+|\./*)$:;

# For "foo='bar'" in headers, match the equals and the value,
# capturing the value ($+ will be used to grab the value).
$REmimeval   = qr{\s* = \s*		# allow whitespace
		      "([^"]+)"		# double quoted
		     |'([^']+)'		# single quoted
		     |(\S+)		# missing or broken quotes

# Prototypes {
sub usage($$);
sub THEEND ($);
sub dosighandlers();
sub expandcreate($);
sub process($);
sub fileinfo($$);
sub pickname($$;$);
sub pickext($);
sub checklen($);
sub cleanse($$$);
sub dumpheaders($$$);
sub dumpbody($$$);
sub mkextmap();
sub mylock($);
sub myunlock($);
# } end prototypes

# Initialization {
$level = 0;

if (!defined($ENV{HOSTNAME})) {
  # Needed by File::NFSLock
  $ENV{PATH} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/sbin:/usr/sbin';
  if(open(HOST, "hostname|")) {
    $_ = <HOST>;
    $ENV{HOSTNAME} = $_;
  } else {
    die "$0: cannot find HOSTNAME, set environment variable please\n";
# } end inits

# Argument handling {
while(defined($ARGV[0]) and $ARGV[0] =~ /^--(.*)|^-(.+)/) {
  my $arg      = $+;
  my $savedarg = $ARGV[0];
  my $val      = undef;


  # deal with '--'
  if ($arg eq '') {

  # deal with '--foo=bar' for '--foo bar'
  if ($arg =~ s/=(.+)//) {
    $val = $1;
  if ($arg eq 'h' or $arg eq 'help') {
    usage(0, undef);
  } elsif ($arg eq 'V' or $arg eq 'version') {
    print "$0: version $VERSION\n";
  } elsif ($arg eq 'o' or $arg eq 'output') {

    if (defined($val)) {
      $default{outfile} = $val;
    } elsif (defined($ARGV[0])) {
      $val = $default{outfile} = shift;
    } else {
      usage(2, "-o / --output needs a filename");

    if($default{outfile} =~ m:$REpath:) {
      $default{outfile} = $1; # untaint
    } else {
      die "$0: Can't untaint '$val'\n";

  } elsif ($arg eq 'a' or $arg eq 'all') {
    $default{printall} = 1;
  } elsif ($arg eq 'd' or $arg eq 'showdir') {
    $default{showdir} = 1;
  } elsif ($arg eq 'v' or $arg eq 'verbose') {
    $default{showwarnings} = 1;
  } elsif ($arg eq 'q' or $arg eq 'quiet') {
    $default{quiet} = 1;
  } elsif ($arg eq 'c' or $arg eq 'noclobber') {
    $default{noclobber} = 1;
  } elsif ($arg eq 'r' or $arg eq 'recurse') {
    $default{messagerecurse} = 1;
  } elsif ($arg eq 's' or $arg eq 'split') {
    $default{useindexsplit} = 0;
  } else {
    print STDERR "$0: '$savedarg' unrecognized argument. Use --help for help\n";
} # while ARGV

$template = shift;
if (!defined($template)) {
  usage(2, 'no template provided');

if ($template =~ m:$REtmpldir:) {
  $template = $1; # untainted
} else {
  die "$0: Can't untaint '$template'\n";
# } end arg handling

# Main functionality {
$dir = &expandcreate($template);
$default{workdir} = $dir;

if ($default{showdir}) {
  print "$dir\n";

if (defined($default{outfile})) {
  my $file = $default{outfile};

  if ($file !~ m:^/:) {
    $file = "$dir/$file";

  if ($file =~ m:$REtmpldir:) {
    $file = $1; # untaint
  } else {
    die "$0: Can't untaint '$file'\n";

  if(!open(OUTPUT, ">$file")) {
    die "$0: Can't open output file $file: $!\n";
  } else {

$message = <>;

# } main functionality


# The main, recursive, function to extract data from a MIME message.
sub process($) {
  my $messref = shift;
  my ( $boundary, $type, $filename, $encoding, $header, @headers, $line,
       $outfile, $name );
  my $cwd = $default{workdir};
  $line = 1;
  $encoding = 'none';

  while($$messref =~ s/\A([^: \t\n]+.+|[ \t]+.*)\n//) {
    $header = $1;
    if ($header =~ /^\s/) {
      $headers[-1] .= "\n$header";
    } else {
      push(@headers, $header);
    $line ++;
  } # while finding headers

  if($$messref =~ s/\A\n//) {
    # good, good.
    $line ++;
  } else {
    warn "$0: level $level, header parse error line $line not blank.\n";

  if ($default{printall}) { 
    $outfile = dumpheaders($cwd, $level, \@headers);
    fileinfo($level, $outfile);

  for $header (@headers) {
    if ($header =~ /^content-type:(.+)/is) {
      my $rawtype = $1;
      if ($rawtype =~ s:^\s*([a-z0-9.-]+/[a-z0-9.-]+)::i) {
        $type = lc($1);
      } else {
        $type = $default{contenttype};
	warn "$0: level $level, can't parse content-type, using default\n";

      if ($type =~ m:^multipart/:) {
        if($rawtype =~ s{ (?:\s*;\s*)? \b boundary $REmimeval }{}xi) {
	  $boundary = $+;
	} else {
	  if ($$messref =~ m/\n--(.+)\n/) {
	    warn "$0: level $level, can't find boundary; guessing\n";
	    $boundary = $+;
	  } else {
	    warn "$0: level $level, can't find boundary; just extracting\n";
      } elsif ($rawtype =~ s{ (?:\s*;\s*)? \b (?:file)?name $REmimeval }{}xi) {
	# Allow Content-Disposition: attachment; name=foo to override
        if (!defined($filename)) {
	  $filename = $+;
    } # content-type
    elsif ($header =~ /^content-disposition:(.+)/is) {
      my $hval = $1;

      if ($hval =~ s{ (?:\s*;\s*)? \b (?:file)?name $REmimeval }{}xi) {
	  $filename = $+;

    } # content-disposition

    # Other possible values include 7bit, 8bit; they get processed
    # the same as the default 'none' though.
    elsif ($header =~ /^content-transfer-encoding:\s*
                        (base64|quoted-print[ai]ble)/ix) {
      # "base64" or "quoted"
      $encoding = lc(substr($1, 0, 6));
    } # content-transfer-encoding
  } # for $header (@headers)

  if(!defined($type)) {
    $type = $default{contenttype};
    warn "$0: level $level, can't find content-type, using default\n";

  if (!defined($boundary)) {
    if (!defined($filename)) {
      $filename = pickname($level, $type);
    } else {
      $filename = cleanse($level, $filename, $type);
    $outfile = dumpbody($encoding, "$cwd/$filename", $messref);
    fileinfo($level, $outfile);
    if($default{messagerecurse} and $type =~ /^message/) {
      $level ++;
      $level --;
  } # if !boundary
  else {
    my $part = '';
    my $mline;

    if ($default{useindexsplit}) {
      my $pos;

      if (($pos = index($$messref, "\n--$boundary")) >= 0 ) {
	$part = substr($$messref, 0, $pos+1, '');
      } else {
	warn "$0: did not find initial $boundary\n";

      $$messref =~ s/^-*\Q$boundary\E-*\s*$//;

      if (length($part)) {
	if ($default{printall}) {
	  $name = pickname($level, 'preamble', $default{mimepreambleprefix});
	  $outfile = dumpbody('none', "$cwd/$name", \$part);
	  fileinfo($level, $outfile);
	$part = '';

      while(($pos = index($$messref, "\n--$boundary")) >= 0) {
	$part = substr($$messref, 0, $pos+1, '');
	$$messref =~ s/^-*\Q$boundary\E-*\s*$//;
	if (length($part)) {
	  $part = '';

      $part = $$messref;
    } else {
      # Don't use index split, use RE split. (Much slower, but more flexible.)

      # Find first boundary
      while($$messref =~ s/\A(.*\n)//) {
        $mline = $1;
        if($mline =~ /^-*\Q$boundary\E-*\s*$/) {
          if (length($part)) {
            if ($default{printall}) { 
              $name = pickname($level, 'preamble', $default{mimepreambleprefix});
              $outfile = dumpbody('none', "$cwd/$name", \$part);
              fileinfo($level, $outfile);
            $part = '';
        } else {
          $part .= $mline;
      } # while messref (first boundary)
      # Find additional boundaries
      while($$messref =~ s/\A(.*\n)//) {
        $line = $1;
        if($line =~ /^-*\Q$boundary\E-*\s*$/) {
          if (length($part)) {
            $part = '';
        } else {
          $part .= $line;
      } # while messref (additional boundaries)

    if (length($part)) {
      if ($default{printall}) { 
	$name = pickname($level, 'epilogue', $default{mimeepilogueprefix});
	$outfile = dumpbody('none', "$cwd/$name", \$part);
	fileinfo($level, $outfile);

  } # if $boundary

} # end &process

# Expand a directory template, build directory path for it, and
# return the directory created. Dies upon failure.
sub expandcreate($) {
  my $tmpl = shift;
  my $basedir;
  my $dir;
  my $num = 0;

  $basedir = $tmpl;
  $basedir =~ s:/[^/]*[%].*::;

  $tmpl =~ s:/+:/:g;
  $tmpl =~ s:%#:\cA:g;

  $tmpl = strftime($tmpl, localtime);
  $dir = $tmpl;

  if ($dir =~ /\cA/) {
    $lock = "$basedir/.lock$>";
    while ($dir =~ /\cA/) {
      $num ++;
      $dir =~ s/\cA/$num/g;

      if (-d $dir or -f $dir) {
	$dir = $tmpl;

      $lock = undef;
  } else {

  if (!-d $dir) {
    die "$0: Can't create directory $dir\n";

} # end &expandcreate

# Signal handler for fatal signals.
sub THEEND ($) {
  my $sig = (shift or '(unknown)');
  if(defined($lock) and (-f $lock)) {

  if ($sig !~ /^[A-Z\d]+$/) {
    # __DIE__ or the like
    $sig =~ s/\s+/ /g;
    die "$0: Got DIE: '$sig' ... exiting\n";
  } else {
    die "$0: Got SIG$sig ... exiting\n";
} # end &THEEND 

# Signal handler for warnings.
sub WARN ($) {
  my $warning = (shift or '(unknown)');

  if ($default{showwarnings}) {
    print STDERR $warning;
} # end &WARN 

# Installs the signal handlers.
sub dosighandlers() {
  $SIG{INT}      = 'main::THEEND';	# <ctrl-c>
  $SIG{QUIT}     = 'main::THEEND';	# <ctrl-\>
  $SIG{TERM}     = 'main::THEEND';	# plain 'kill'
  $SIG{HUP}      = 'main::THEEND';	# hang-up signal
  $SIG{__DIE__}  = 'main::THEEND';	# die()
  $SIG{__WARN__} = 'main::WARN';	# warn()
} # end &dosighandlers

# For a MIME type, try to find a suitable filename extension.
# Returns the extension (with the dot) or an empty string.
sub pickext($) {
  my $type = lc(shift);
  my $ext;

  if(defined($ext = $default{ext}{$type})) {
    return ".$ext";

  # Change "text/x-foobar" to "text/*"
  $type =~ s:/.*:/*:;

  if(defined($ext = $default{ext}{$type})) {
    return ".$ext";

  if(defined($ext = $default{ext}{default})) {
    return ".$ext";

  return "";
} # end &pickext

# Attempts to sanitize (and untaint) a filename. Generates a new
# filename if it cannot. Returns the clean filename.
sub cleanse($$$) {
  my $level = shift;
  my $input = shift;
  my $type  = shift;

  # only simple names ok as-is
  if ($input =~ /$REfilename/i) {
    return(checklen($1)); # untaint

  $input =~ s:.*/\.*([^/]*):$1:;
  $input =~ s:[^a-z\d\._ -]+::ig;
  $input =~ s:\s+:-:g;

  if ($input =~ /$REfilename/i) {
    return(checklen($1)); # untaint

  return pickname($level, $type);
} # end &cleanse

# Prints out a filename, with indentation.
sub fileinfo ($$) {
  my $level = shift;
  my $name = shift;

  if ($default{quiet} or !defined($name)) {

  $name =~ s://+:/:g;

  if (defined($default{indentperlevel})) {
    $level = $default{indentperlevel} x $level;

  print "\t$level$name\n";
} # end &fileinfo 

# Generates and returns a filename (without directory). The mime
# type is used to try to find a suitable extension.
sub pickname ($$;$) {
  my $level = shift;
  my $type  = shift;
  my $pre   = (shift || $default{partprefix});
  my $dir   = $default{workdir};

  my $seq = ($levelpart{$level} || 0);
  $levelpart{$level} = $seq + 1;

  return "$pre-$$-${level}_$seq" . pickext($type);
} # end &pickname 

# Returns a version of the provided filename that is no longer
# than the maximum length. The filename is shortened from the
# end, with an attempt to preserve the extension.
sub checklen($) {
  my $name = shift;

  if(length($name) > $default{filenamelength}) {
    my $ext = '';
    if ($name =~ s/$REextension//i) {
      $ext = $1;
    $name = substr($name, 0, $default{filenamelength} - length($ext)) . $ext;

  return $name;
} # end &checklen

# Prints a body or attachment part, decoding if needed, to a specified
# file. Returns 'undef' for error, and the filename on success.
sub dumpbody($$$) {
  my $enc   = shift;
  my $fname = shift;
  my $mref  = shift;

  if (!open(BODY, ">$fname")) {
    warn "$0: can't open $fname: $!\n";
    return undef;

  if ($enc eq 'none') {
    print BODY $$mref;
  } elsif ($enc eq 'base64') {
    print BODY decode_base64($$mref);
  } elsif ($enc eq 'quoted') {
    print BODY decode_qp($$mref);
  } else {
    warn "$0: What encoding is $enc?\n";
    print BODY $$mref;
  close BODY;

  return $fname;
} # end &dumpbody

# Prints the headers to a automatically named file.
# Returns 'undef' for error, and the filename on success.
sub dumpheaders($$$) {
  my $dir = shift;
  my $level = shift;
  my $hdref = shift;
  my $fname;
  local $,;

  $, = "\n";
  $fname = pickname($level, "headers", $default{headerprefix});

  if(!open(HEAD, "> $dir/$fname")) {
    warn "$0: can't open $fname: $!\n";
    return undef;
  print HEAD @$hdref;
  print HEAD "\n\n";
  close HEAD;

  return "$dir/$fname";
} # end &dumpheaders

# Abstract the unlocking, so code only needs to be changed in one place.
sub myunlock($) {
  my $lockfile = shift;

  ## LockFile::Simple way:

  # File::NFSLock way
  $default{"internal_lockobject"} = undef;

} # end &myunlock

# Abstract the locking, so code only needs to be changed in one place.
sub mylock($) {
  my $lockfile = shift;
  my $basedir  = undef;

  ## LockFile::Simple way:
  # File::NFSLock way: (can't let lock variable go out of scope)
  $default{"internal_lockobject"} = File::NFSLock->new($lockfile,"BLOCKING");
  if (!defined($default{"internal_lockobject"})) {
    if(defined($basedir)) {
      die "lock error";
    } else {
      $basedir = $lockfile;
      $basedir =~ s:/[^/]+$::;

      goto RETRY;

} # end &mylock

# Print usage, with an optional error mesage, then exit.
sub usage($$) {
  my $exit = shift;
  my $mess = shift;

  if (defined($mess)) {
    print "$0: $mess\n\n";

  eval 'use Pod::Text;
        my $parser = Pod::Text->new (sentence => 0, width => 78);

        open(STDIN, "<&DATA");


  # Check for problems with using Pod::Text...
  if ($@) {
    while(<DATA>) {
      last if /^=cut/;

# A default set of types to extensions, here rather than where
# other defaults are set since these will probably be edited less
# and are rather unsightly.
sub mkextmap() {
  $default{ext} = {

    # Used internally
    "default"                       => "seg",
    "preamble"                      => "txt",
    "epilogue"                      => "txt",

    # Regular content-types
    "text/x-vcard"                  => "vcf",
    "text/x-setext"                 => "etx",
    "text/plain"                    => "txt",
    "txt/plain"                     => "txt",	# typo version
    "text/html"                     => "html",
    "text/sgml"                     => "sgml",
    "text/css"                      => "css",
    "text/xml"                      => "xml",
    "text/richtext"                 => "rtx",
    "text/calandar"                 => "ics",	# outlook specific?
    "text/rtf"                      => "rtf",
    "text/tab-separated-values"     => "tsv",
    "text/tab-seperated-values"     => "tsv",	# typo version
    "text/*"                        => "txt",

    "audio/x-aiff"                  => "aiff",
    "audio/x-wav"                   => "wav",
    "audio/x-pn-realaudio"          => "rm",
    "audio/x-realaudio"             => "ra",
    "audio/basic"                   => "au",
    "audio/mpeg"                    => "mp3",
    "audio/midi"                    => "mid",
    "audio/*"                       => "audio",

    "application/x-stuffit"         => "sit",
    "application/x-compress"        => "Z",
    "application/x-gzip"            => "gz",
    "application/x-cpio"            => "cpio",
    "application/x-gunzip"          => "gz",
    "application/x-bzip2"           => "bz2",
    "application/x-tar"             => "tar",
    "application/x-gtar"            => "tar",
    "application/x-shar"            => "shar",
    "application/x-tar-gz"          => "tgz",
    "application/x-zip-compressed"  => "zip",
    "application/x-ar"              => "a",
    "application/x-shockwave-flash" => "swf",
    "application/x-director"        => "dcr",
    "application/x-dvi"             => "dvi",
    "application/x-sh"              => "sh",
    "application/x-perl"            => "pl",
    "application/x-tcl"             => "tcl",
    "application/x-javascript"      => "js",
    "application/x-tex"             => "tex",
    "application/x-texinfo"         => "texinfo",
    "application/x-latex"           => "latex",
    "application/x-troff"           => "tr",
    "application/x-troff-man"       => "man",
    "application/x-troff-ms"        => "ms",
    "application/x-troff-me"        => "me",
    "application/x-patch"           => "patch",
    "application/x-tgif"            => "obj",
    "application/pgp-signature"     => "sig",
    "application/andrew-inset"      => "ez",
    "application/postscript"        => "ps",
    "application/mac-binhex40"      => "hqx",
    "application/mac-compactpro"    => "cpt",
    "application/pdf"               => "pdf",
    "application/rtf"               => "rtf",	# not correct
    "application/smil"              => "smil",
    "application/msword"            => "doc",
    "application/vnd.msword"        => "doc",	# not correct
    "application/vnd.ms-word"       => "doc",	# not correct
    "application/msexcel"           => "xls",	# not correct
    "application/vnd.msexcel"       => "xls",	# not correct
    "application/vnd.ms-excel"      => "xls",
    "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint" => "ppt",
    "application/*"                 => "data",

    "video/x-msvideo"               => "avi",
    "video/x-shockwave-flash"       => "swf",	# correctly application/...
    "video/mpeg"                    => "mpg",
    "video/quicktime"               => "mov",
    "video/*"                       => "video",

    "image/x-xbm"                   => "xpm",
    "image/x-portable-bitmap"       => "pbm",
    "image/x-portable-greymap"      => "pgm",
    "image/x-portable-pixmap"       => "ppm",
    "image/x-xbitmap"               => "xbm",
    "image/x-xpixmap"               => "xpm",
    "image/x-xwindowdump"           => "xwd",
    "image/x-ico"                   => "ico",
    "image/x-png"                   => "png",
    "image/png"                     => "png",
    "image/tiff"                    => "tiff",
    "image/bmp"                     => "bmp",
    "image/gif"                     => "gif",
    "image/jpeg"                    => "jpg",
    "image/pjpeg"                   => "jpg",
    "image/*"                       => "image",

    "model/vrml"                    => "vrml",

    "message/rfc822"                => "mail",
    "message/news"                  => "news",
    "message/partial"               => "segment",
    "message/*"                     => "message",
} # end &mkextmap



=head1 NAME

mimedump - dump a MIME message to disk


From the shell:

    mimedump -r "/directory/template/%Y/%b/%d-%#" < mailfile

In procmail:

    * ^Content-Type: *multipart/
      # Double safety

      # Do the dump and grab the output directory
      SAVEDIR=`/bin/nice mimedump -d -r -o mimedump-$PID.out $BASEDIR`

      # Clear procmail lock

      # Put output directory into the headers
      | formail -i "X-Attachment-Dir: $SAVEDIR"


mimedump reads a single mail message in and parses if as if
it is a MIME message, dumping body and/or attachments to the
specified directory. Intended for use in procmail filters.
It can decode base64 and quoted-printable attachments, and
recurse into message/* parts. It outputs a list of the files

mimedump takes a directory template to use, with optional
stftime(1) escapes and an additional C<%#> escape which is
the lowest number needed to make a unique directory. The
example in the synopsis, C</directory/template/%Y/%b/%d-%#>,
will create directory under C</directory/template/> for the
current four-digit year, under that one for the current
month (three-letter abbreviation), and under that a unique
directory named after the two digit day of the month and
a sequence number for that day.

Note: the template must begin with either C<./> or C</>
and may not contain any characters from [<>"'&;!`$].

=head1 USAGE

	mimedump [options] template


=over 4

=item *

-a       --all

Print all parts (headers, mime preambles and epilogues, part headers).
Does not imply recursion.

=item *

-d       --showdir

Print the output directory. (Done before processing I<-o/-output==FILE>
so scripts can know where to find the output file.)

=item *

-r       --recurse

Recurse into message/* parts.

=item *

-v       --verbose

Display warnings.

=item *

-s       --split

Use an alternate (slower) method to break up the file. Might work
better with some forms of broken messages.

=item *

-c       --noclobber

Don't overwrite existing files.

=item *

-q       --quiet

Don't output names of created files.

=item *

-o FILE      --output=FILE

Output filenames to FILE instead of STDOUT. If the file does not
start with C</> then it will be put in the output directory.

=item *

-h       --help

Print this usage and exit.

=item *

-V       --version

Print version and exit.


=head1 DETAILS

=head2 What Gets Dumped

mimedump's parsing is not based on extenal modules, although the
C<MIME::Base64> and C<MIME::QuotedPrint> modules are used for
decoding message parts. mimedump does not check for or require
a I<MIME-Version> header. On non-multipart messages, the body will
be saved to a file, decoded if needed. When operating in all
(C<-a> / C<--all>) mode every part of the message except the MIME
boundary lines will be saved to different files. Since the headers
will specify the boundary, the original message could be
re-assembled from those parts.

In multipart messages all parts are saved. Typically MIME
decoders will only extract one type from a multipart/alternative
selection, but mimedumper saves them all.

=head2 Directory Template

Some typical C<strftime()> C<%> expansions.
=over 4

=item %A

Full weekday name.

=item %a

Abbreviated weekday name.

=item %B

Full month name.

=item %b

Abbreviated month name.

=item %D

The date in I<%m/%d/%y> format.

=item %d

Day of month, two digits (00 to 31).

=item %F

Date in I<%Y-%m-%d> format.

=item %H

Two digit hour (24-hour clock) (00 to 23).

=item %I

Two digit hour (12-hour clock) (01 to 12).

=item %j

Three digit day of year (001 to 366).

=item %M

Two digit minute.

=item %m

Two digit month (01 to 12)

=item %p

An 'AM' or 'PM' string.

=item %R

The time in I<%H:%M> format.

=item %T

The time in I<%H:%M:%S> format.

=item %S

Two digit second (00 to 61).

=item %U

Two digit week number of year (weeks starting on Sunday) (00 to 53).

=item %w

One digit weekday (weeks starting on Sunday) (1 to 7).

=item %Y

Four digit year (0000 to 9999).

=item %y

Two digit year (00 to 99).

=item %Z

Time zone.

=item %%

A literal C<%>.

=item %#

Not a C<strftime> expansion, but used in mimedump templates to be
a unique number.


=head2 File Names

When the MIME headers provide a filename, preference is given
towards using it. The provided filename must pass some sanity
checks, first though. The filename must contain only alphanumerics,
hyphens, underscores and dots. mimedump will try to clean up
non-conforming filenames but will replace them completely if
it is too difficult. Filenames will be limited to a maximum
length, by default 80 bytes. When shortening long filenames,
extra text is removed from the end, while trying to preserve
any filename extension.

Internally generated filenames are of the form


The I<prefix> is typically 'part', for the bodies of messages or
the parts of multipart message. The I<pid> is the process id of
mimedumper, in an effort to reduce filename conflicts when
mimedumper runs multiple times in the same directory. The I<num>
is a two part number, a recursion level and a sequence number
within that recursion level seperated by an underscore. The
extension is picked from an internal list based on the part
content-type. If there is no extension for a type, none will
be used (and the dot for the extension will be left out).

=head2 Lockfiles

mimedump uses a lockfile to ensure exclusive creation of a
directory. It will attempt to place this lockfile in the deepest
directory of the template that does not have any C<%x> components.
Network filesystem (NFS) safe locks are used.


This script is copyright by Benjamin Elijah Griffin / Eli the Bearded.
The home source for it is his directory at CPAN,

=head1 OSNAMES

Unix or unix-likes.

=head1 BUG FIXES

Version 0.52 fixes a dumb bug with the I<-q>uiet mode, allows whitespace
around C<=> in MIME headers, tries to guess the MIME boundary if it
cannot find one in the headers.

Version 0.75 offers a index() based split (as default) that is much faster
than the old regexp based split (still available as it is better able to
deal with certain types of broken messages). There is now an option to
disable clobbering of existing files.

=head1 TODO

RFC 2231 method of breaking up filenames is not supported:

  Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*1="foo."; filename*2="bar"

This specifies a filename of "foo.bar"

=head1 BUGS

Directory templates cannot have E<lt>ctrl-aE<gt>, ascii 001,
characters in them.

Send bug reports to E<lt>elijah@cpan.orgE<gt>.

=head1 CPAN INFO

Infomation for use at/by CPAN. http://www.cpan.org/scripts/



=head1 README

Extract MIME parts to files in unique date/time stamp directories,
ideal for use with procmail.


This script uses the C<strict>, C<vars>, pragma modules. The
C<POSIX> module is used for C<strftime()> expansions. C<File::Path>
is used to make directories. All of those should have come
with your version of perl.

Additional modules needed are C<File::NFSLock> for nfs-safe
lockfiles, and C<MIME::Base64> and C<MIME::QuotedPrint> for
decoding message parts.


The script attempts to use C<Pod::Text> to display formatted
help. If it can't, unformatted POD is displayed instead.
