Image::PBMlib - Helper functions for PBM/PGM/PPM image
       file formats

           use Image::PBMlib;

           ... open(PPM, "< image.ppm")...

           my $ref = readppmheader(\*PPM);

           my @pixels = readpixels_raw(\*PPM, $$ref{type},
                                       ($$ref{width} * $$ref{height}) );

           my @pixels = readpixels_dec(\*PPM, $$ref{type},
                                       ($$ref{width} * $$ref{height}) );

           my @rgb = hextriplettoraw("F00BA4");

           my @rgb = dectriplettoraw("17:34:51");

           my $header = makeppmheader($ref);

       This is primarily a library for reading portable bitmap
       (PBM), portable graymap (PGM), and portable pixmap (PPM)
       files. These image formats are only the barest step up
       from raw data, and have a very simple format which is the
       key to be "portable".  Writing out images in these formats
       is very easy.

       Reading images in these formats is also easy, but not
       quite "very easy". Proper reading of the file needs to
       happen one byte at a time, since there is no fixed header
       length. Headers can also contain comments, which must be
       ignored. Then, once past the header, there are a total of
       six different ways that the data might need to be read: a
       raw and an ascii encoding of each image color level.

       The maximum color value is never used.

       No attempt is made to deal with comments after the header
       of ascii formatted files.

       Not all PBM/PGM/PPM tools are safe for images from
       untrusted sources but this one should be. Be careful what
       you use this with.

       Copyright 2003 Benjamin Elijah Griffin / Eli the Bearded

       This library is free software; you can redistribute it
       and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.