GD::RPPNG - Package for generating human only readable images

    GD::RPPNG - Package for generating human-only readable images

    The GD::RPPNG (Random Password PNG) module was created to provide an
    easy access to human-only readable images. This is very usefull to avoid
    automatic processing of authentication. (ie: subscription to free email

        use GD::RPPNG;

        # create a new image
        $myimage = new GD::RPPNG;

        # configure the image
        $myimage->Config (
            Xsize            => 400,
            Ysize            => 75,
            CharSet          => 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789',
            CodeLen          => 8,
            FontMinPT        => 12,
            FontMaxPT        => 28,
            yDivert          => 10,
            Angle            => 45,
            XLinesFactor     => 10,
            YLinesFactor     => 10,
            Transparent      => 0,
            Colors           => 1,
            bgColor          => 'FFFFFF',
            fgColor          => '000000',
            Code             => 'mypasswd',
            DebugCode        => 0,

        # add TrueType(C) fonts
        $myimage->AddFonts (

        # generate the image
        ( $mycode, $mypng ) = $image->GenImage();

    $object = new GD::RPPNG
        Creates a new object and sets all default options (see next METHOD
        for detailed description):

            Xsize         => 400
            Ysize         => 75
            CharSet       => 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789'
            CodeLen       => 8
            FontMinPT     => 12
            FontMaxPT     => 28
            yDivert       => 10
            Angle         => 45
            XLinesFactor  => 10
            YLinesFactor  => 10
            Transparent   => 0
            Colors        => 1
            bgColor       => 'FFFFFF'
            fgColor       => '000000'
            Code          => ''
            DebugCode     => 0

        With this method you can override all the default options shown

        'Xsize' defines the width of the image in pixels. here's an example:

            $object->Config( Xsize => 400 )

        'Ysize' defines the height of the image in pixels. here's an

            $object->Config( Ysize => 75 )

        'CharSet' defines the list of chars which may be used to generate
        the "code". Depending on the fonts you will use, its recommended to
        skip I,L,0,O and 1 as they might be confusing. here's an example:

            $object->Config( CharSet => 'ABCDEFGHJKMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ23456789%$#@' )

        'CodeLen' defines the number of chars to be used to generate the
        "code". here's an example:

            $object->Config( CodeLen => 8 )

        'FontMinPT' defines the minimal font size to use. here's an example:

            $object->Config( FontMinPT => 12 )

        'FontMaxPT' defines the maximal font size to use. here's an example:

            $object->Config( FontMaxPT => 24 )

        'yDivert' defines, in percent of the image height, the vertical
        range in which chars may be printed. here's an example:

            $object->Config( yDivert => 10 )

        'Angle' defines, in degree, the angle range in which chars may be
        rotated. As an example, 90 will allow chars to be rotated from -45
        to +45 degrees. here's an example:

            $object->Config( Angle => 45 )

        'XLinesFactor' defines, in percent, the amount of horizontal lines
        to be draw. As an example, 50 on a 400 pixels wide image will draw
        about 200 lines. here's an example:

            $object->Config( XLinesFactor => 20 )

        'YLinesFactor' defines, in percent, the amount of vertical lines to
        be draw. As an example, 50 on a 100 pixels high image will draw
        about 50 lines. here's an example:

            $object->Config( YLinesFactor => 20 )

        'Transparent' defines if the background has to be transparent or
        not. here's an example:

            $object->Config( Transparent => 0 )

        'Colors' defines if the image will use random colors or not. here's
        an example:

            $object->Config( Colors => 1 )

        'bgColor' defines, in RRGGBB (hex) format, the background color to
        use. here's an example:

            $object->Config( bgColor => 'FFFFFF' )

        'fgColor' defines, in RRGGBB (hex) format, the foreground color to
        use. here's an example:

            $object->Config( fgColor => '000000' )

        'Code' defines the "code". If not set, a random code will be
        generated using the CharSet and the CodeLen options. If set, CharSet
        and CodeLen will be ignored. here's an example:

            $object->Config( Code => 'q12we34r' )

        NOTE: You may specify multiple options at the same time here's an

                Xsize => 400,
                Ysize => 75,
                Colors => 1

        'DebugCode' defines if the "code" will be displayed on the top left
        of the image or not. NOTE: Do only use this for debugging purpose!
        here's an example:

        With this method you can add TrueType fonts. Those fonts will be
        randomly used to draw the "code" on the image. here's an example:


        With this method you will generate the image. The method will return
        the "code" and the image in an array. here's an example:

            ($mycode, $myimage) = $object->GenImage();
            print "Content-type: image/png\n\n";
            print $myimage;

    Many examples may be found at

    Pascal Gloor <>

    The GD::RPPNG module was written by Pascal Gloor.

    Version 0.9, released on 11 Dec 2003.

    GD::RPPNG Copyright (C) 2003 Pascal Gloor <>

    GD Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Lincoln D. Stein.

    This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    the GD::RPPNG manpage