#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME isbn2lccn - a script to read a book's ISBN and convert it to a Library of Congress call number =head1 DESCRIPTION This converts an ISBN to Library of Congress Call Number using their Z39.50 interface. =head1 README This perl script converts a single ISBN to Library of Congress Call Number using their Z39.50 interface. =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires the following modules or apps, either directly or indirectly through dependencies: yaz, libyaz, libyaz-devel (from http://www.indexdata.dk/yaz/) C<Search-Z3950-0.05>, C<Net-Z3950-0.44>, C<Event-1.00>, C<YAML-0.35>, C<MARC-Record-1.38> =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) 2004 Steve W Bonds, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl. =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Web =cut # by Steve Bonds # June 12 2004 # Copyright 2004, all rights reserved. # This is Free Software. You may redistribute this script under the terms of # either the GNU General Public License version 2.0 or the Perl # Artistic License. use Search::Z3950; my ($isbn) = shift; # Trim out dashes $isbn=~ s/\-//g; unless ($isbn =~ /\S+/) { die "Please provide ISBN" }; # I could do some data sanity checks on the ISBN, but if it's not valid, the # DB query will probably fail later. $z = Search::Z3950->new( 'delay' => 0.5, 'preferredRecordSyntax' => 19, 'port' => 7090, 'host' => 'z3950.loc.gov', 'databaseName' => 'Voyager', 'search_types' => [ { 'name' => 'isbn', 'multiple' => 0, 'templates' => { 'prefix' => '@attr 1=7 @attr 4=1 "%s"' } }, ], 'querytype' => 'prefix', ); my $results = $z->search('isbn' => $isbn); my $records = $results->count; if ($records < 1) { print "**No results for ISBN $isbn\n"; exit 1; } elsif ($records > 1) { print STDERR "Multiple records found for ISBN $isbn-- shouldn't happen\n"; exit 1; } my $MARC = $results->record(1); #my $title = $MARC->field('245')->subfield("a"); #print "Title: $title\n"; #my $author = $MARC->field('100')->subfield("a"); #print "Author: $author\n"; my $lccn = $MARC->field('050')->subfield("a"); print "$lccn\n";