NAME WWW::ASN - Retrieve learning objectives from Achievement Standards Network SYNOPSIS use WWW::ASN; my $asn = WWW::ASN->new({ jurisdictions_cache => './jurisdictions.xml', }); for my $jurisdiction (@{ $asn->jurisdictions }) { if ($jurisdictions->name =~ /Common Core/i) { my @standards_docs = $jurisdictions->documents({ status => 'published' }) ... } } DESCRIPTION This module allows you to retrieve standards documents from the Achievement Standards Network ( As illustrated in the SYNOPSIS, you will typically first retrieve a jurisdiction such as a state, or other organization that creates standards documents. From this jurisdiction you can then retrieve specific documents. ATTRIBUTES jurisdictions_cache Optional. The name of a file containing the XML data from If the file does not exist, it will be created. Leave this option undefined to force retrieval each time jurisdictions is called. subjects_cache Optional. The name of a file containing the XML data from If the file does not exist, it will be created. Leave this option undefined to force retrieval each time subjects is called. METHODS jurisdictions Returns an array reference of WWW::ASN::Jurisdiction objects. subjects Returns an array reference of WWW::ASN::Subject objects. AUTHOR Mark A. Stratman, `<stratman at>' SEE ALSO WWW::ASN::Jurisdiction WWW::ASN::Document WWW::ASN::Subject ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This library retrieves and manipulates data from the Achievement Standards Network. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2012 Mark A. Stratman. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.