
 CLI commands for handling a bunch of numeric text is provided such as `the denominator finder', `cumulative sum', `N-th min/max' and so on.

  1. nums -- an expansion of the Unix/Linux command `seq'. 
  2. cumsum -- shows the cumulative sum for a sequence of numbers separated by line ends.
  3. minmax -- shows the N-th minimums and N-th maximums of a number sequence.
  4. denomfind -- helps to find the common denominator from bunch of decimals. Useful to find N of a questionnaire results.
  4. rounding -- outputs the rounded numbers.
  5. zeropad -- outputs the zero-padded numbers.
  6. meanvar -- shows the mean (average) and the variance of a sequence of numbers.

  All programs provides help-manual that is availble such as by "cumsum --help". 
  If you want to see only "switch options", do "cumsum --help opt(ions)". 
  Sorry the most part of the manual is written only in Japanese.


 The programs are provided in a form of Perl modules to
 be uploaded on CPAN. Each of the program is written
 as a single Perl program that works (almost) stand-alone.

 You can choose the way to install programs from the following
 plural ways.

1. Download and uncompress the file CLI-Contingency-Table-0.51.tar.gz
   from CPAN. Find the programs under the "scripts" directory
   inside it. Copy them into a directory whatever you like and you can
   (and call it "someWhere" in the next paragraph.)

   Then add that directory someWhere to the PATH environment
   variable (for either of Windows or Unix-like environments).
   If you use bash or zsh, add a line like the following
   into to  .bash_profile or .zshrc respectively, to use the
   program files provided in this module always you login,
   with the minimum affect to your computer environment
   (in the follwoing someWhere should be in abosolute path
   or "~/myScripts" ) :

      source someWhere/

2. If you like "Build" methot to install CPAN modules,
   run the following commands after uncompressing:

    perl Build.PL
    ./Build test
    ./Build install

3. You can also install the programs by the following simpler steps:

    cpan CLI::Numbers::Hack


    cpanm CLI::Numbers::Hack

   The above requires your knowledge/understanding of
   the prepation of using the commands of 'cpan' or 'cpanm'
   and administrative rights on your computer to install
   programs (root privileges).

   This optional installaion way (3.) is written here because
   the author of the programs just want to explain that
   the programs provided are uploaded to CPAN can work
   in a kind of standard way.



Copyright (C) 2018 "Toshiyuki Shimono"

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see L<>.