#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Simpleness Parents - block adult web-sites on linux OS # Main script v.0.1 # more on http://parents.simpleness.org/ # Copyright 2013 Dimitry Ivanov <2@ivanoff.org.ua> # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. use strict; use Storable; use utf8; my $VERSION = 0.1; die &help_message if !@ARGV || $ARGV[0] =~ /^-*h(elp)?$/; # show help message die "Error: Must run as root (sudo $0 ".(join ' ', @ARGV).")\n" if $>; $| = 1; # forces a flush right away my $agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0"; #wget agent my $pid = &get_pid; my $dir = ( $0 =~ m%^(.*/)% )[0]; # where we're located my $store = $dir.'sites'; # path to hash storable file with domains my $sites = -f $store? retrieve( $store ) : {}; # retrieve previous domain names $_ = $ARGV[0]; # List domains /^list$/ && do { die "there is no information about domains" unless $sites; foreach my $type ( keys %$sites ) { next if $ARGV[1] && $ARGV[1] ne $type; print "$type:\n"; foreach my $name ( sort keys %{$sites->{$type}} ){ next if $ARGV[2] && $ARGV[2] !~ /$name/i; print "\t$name\n"; } } }; # Add domains to the list /^add$/ && do { &need_bw( $ARGV[1] ); &need_name( $ARGV[2] ); $sites->{$ARGV[1]}{$ARGV[2]} = 1; store $sites, $store; hosts( 'add', $ARGV[2] ) if $ARGV[1] eq 'black'; $ARGV[1]=($ARGV[1] eq 'black')? 'white' : 'black'; # trick - delete domain from oposite side $_ = 'delete'; }; # Delete domains from the list /^delete$/ && do { &need_name( $ARGV[1] ); delete $sites->{$_}{$ARGV[1]} foreach 'white', 'black'; store $sites, $store; hosts( 'delete', $ARGV[1] ); }; # Restart the programm /^restart$/ && do { $_ = 'stop-'; # trick - stop/start operations }; # Stop the programm /^stop(-)?$/ && do { `kill $pid` if $pid; $pid = &get_pid; $_ = ($1)? 'start' : 'status'; # start (in case of restart's trick) }; # Start the programm /^start$/ && do { die "Already running!\n" if $pid; my $pid_fork = fork(); if ($pid_fork) { $_ = 'status'; # lets show status after start } else { # main parents programm $0 = $0.' started'; # rename runned process for get_pid subroutine # We will read tcpdump's output on port 80 to find Host with domain name open (STDIN,"/usr/sbin/tcpdump 'port 80' -vvvs 1024 -l -A -i any |"); while (<STDIN>) { next unless /Host: (\S+)\s$/; # We are looking for domainname after 'Host:' my $d = $1; next if $sites->{white}{$d} || $sites->{black}{$d}; # skip if we already found domain name before # download the website's homepages/refreshes to find bad words my $c = `wget -q -U "$agent" -O - http://$d `; $c = `wget -q -U "$agent" -O - http://$d/$1` while $c =~ /meta.*?http-equiv="Refresh".*?content=".*?URL=(.*?)"/i; $sites = -f $store? retrieve( $store ) : {}; # retrieve previous domain names again after slow sites if ( 15 < $c =~ s/p[o0]rn[o0]?|sex|anal\b|tits|harcore|cumshots|blowjob|lesbian|pusy|fucking|orgasm|pissing|pussy|порно|секс//ig ) { hosts('add', $d); # if we found more than 15 bad words, then ban site $sites->{black}{$d} = 1; `killall firefox`; # `killall opera`; `killall chromium-browser`; # or whatever your are } else { $sites->{white}{$d} = 1; # if not found, then store domainname as white site } store $sites, $store; } exit(0); } }; # show staturs of the programm /^status$/ && do { $pid = &get_pid; die ( ($pid)? "Running [PID $pid]\n" : "Stopped\n" ); }; # Install the programm /^install$/ && do { open my $f, '<', '/etc/rc.local'; my @record = <$f>; close $f; `mkdir -p /opt/parents && chmod 0740 /opt/parents && chmod +x $0 && cp $0 /opt/parents/`; if( !grep {/parents start/} @record ) { push @record, '/usr/bin/perl /opt/parents/parents start'; @record = grep {!/exit 0/} @record; open my $f, '>', '/etc/rc.local'; print {$f} @record; print {$f} "\nexit 0\n"; close $f; print "Programm added to /etc/rc.local\n"; } print "Programm installed\n"; }; # Add or delete hostname from /etc/hosts # Parameters are command and domain name. sub hosts { my( $t, $name ) = @_; $t=~/^delete$/ && do { open my $f, '<', '/etc/hosts'; my @records = <$f>; close $f; @records = grep { !/\Q127.0.0.1\E\s+\Q$name\E$/i } @records; open $f, '>', '/etc/hosts'; print {$f} @records; close $f; }; $t=~/^add$/ && do { open my $f, '>>', '/etc/hosts'; print {$f} "\n127.0.0.1\t$name"; close $f; }; } # Returns PID of running parents process sub get_pid { `ps aux | grep parents | grep started | grep -v grep | awk '{printf "%d", \$2}'`; } # Dies if parameter is not black or white sub need_bw { die "list type is not acceptable, only black or white. '$0 -h' for more info" if $_[0] !~ /^black|white$/; } # Dies unless parameter sub need_name { die "need domain name. '$0 -h' for more info" unless $_[0]; } # Help message sub help_message { <<EOF; Block adult sites. More on parents.simpleness.org Usage: $0 {parameters} [black|white] [domain name] Command line parameters: start start parents agent stop stop parents agent restart restart parents agent status show current status list list all domains add add domain to black or white list delete delete domain from black or white list install install programm help show this help Example: $0 status $0 list $0 list black simple.* $0 add white simpleness.org $0 delete analytics.google.com EOF } =head1 NAME parents - parental control, forbid porno sites on linux. =head1 SYNOPSIS ./parents start wget xtube.com -O - sleep 7 ping xtube.com ./parents list =head1 DESCRIPTION This short program will block adult web-sites on linux OS. After you have opened the website, the program is catch a domain name and check the contents of the home page. If more than 15 bad word will be on the main page, the site will banned (add domain name with in /etc/hosts). =head1 README =head2 Tests wget https://raw.github.com/ivanoff/parents.simpleness.org/master/parents.t sudo perl parents.t =head2 Install wget -q -U "install" -O - parents.simpleness.org | sudo bash - or curl -A "install" parents.simpleness.org 2>/dev/null | sudo bash - or wget https://raw.github.com/ivanoff/parents.simpleness.org/master/parents -o /tmp/parens | sudo perl /tmp/parents install or download install.sh and run: sudo ./install.sh =head2 Usage ./parents (parameters) [black|white] [domain name] =head2 Command line parameters start start parents agent stop stop parents agent restart restart parents agent status show current status list list all domains add add domain to black or white list delete delete domain from black or white list install install programm help show this help =head2 Example ./parents status ./parents list ./parents list black simple.* ./parents add white simpleness.org ./parents delete black analytics.google.com =head1 PREREQUISITES This script requires the C<strict> and C<utf8> modules. It also requires C<Storable 2.45>. =head1 AUTHOR Dimitry Ivanov <2@ivanoff.org.ua> =head1 LICENSE Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =pod OSNAMES Linux, tested on: Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora any =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES UNIX/System_administration Networking =cut