#!/usr/bin/env perl #use strict; use Getopt::Long; use POSIX; my $VERSION = "0.1"; my $vernr = "0.9.1"; # this is the underlying version of Peter Palfrader's script ########################################################################## # # very early check whether this routine is called from less -R or less -r # or if the variable LESS contains -R or -r # return if not (escape sequences would not be interpreted as colors) # on systems with process info in /proc this could be coded in lesspipe.sh # ########################################################################## if ( $ARGV[0] =~ /^\d+$/ and $ARGV[1] ) { # we were called from lesspipe.sh with first arg = PPID my $PPID = shift; # if env variable LESS contains -r or -R we are sure that colors get displayed if ( $ENV{LESS} !~ /-\w*r\w*\b/i ) { # check if less is called with -r or -R (highly OS dependent) # tested only for Linux, Solaris, IRIX, True64, MacOS X, FreeBSD and AIX !!! my $psargs = '-oppid= -oargs='; if ( $^O eq 'darwin' || $^O =~ /bsd$/ ) { $psargs = '-oppid -ocommand'; } elsif ( $^O eq 'hpux' ) { $procvers = "0.36"; $psargs = '-f'; } eval "use Proc::ProcessTable $procvers"; if ( $@ ) { my $p = `ps -p $PPID $psargs`; exit 1 if $p =~ /\bless\s+/ and $p !~ /less\s+-\w*r\w*\b/is; if ( $p !~ /\bless\s+/ ) { if ($p =~ /\d+\s+(\d+)/) { $PPID = $1; } else { $PPID = $1 if $p =~ /(\d+)/; } my $p2 = `ps -p $PPID $psargs`; exit 1 if $p2 !~ /less\s+-\w*r\w*\b/is; } } else { my $pt = new Proc::ProcessTable; for (@{$pt->table}) { next unless $_->pid eq $PPID; $p = $_->cmndline; exit 1 if $p =~ /\bless\s+/ and $p !~ /less\s+-\w*r\w*\b/i; if ( $p !~ /\bless\s+/ ) { $PPID = $_->ppid; for (@{$pt->table}) { next unless $_->pid eq $PPID; $p = $_->cmndline; exit 1 if $p !~ /less\s+-\w*r\w*\b/i; } } } } } } ######################################################################## # # # Code2HTML # # --------- # # # # Code2Html, peter AT palfrader.org # # # # $Date: 2002/01/12 21:17:02 $ # $Revision: 1.13 $ # $Id: code2html,v 1.13 2002/01/12 21:17:02 weaselp Exp $ # # # AUTHOR # # Peter Palfrader. Written in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002. # # A lot of other people. See CREDITS file. # # # # DESCRIPTION # # code2html is a perlscript which converts a program # # source code to syntax highlighted HTML by applying a set # # of regular expressions depending on the language # # the source code is written. # # # # see the man-page for details, # # # ######################################################################## #added 2/2001 bdk my $LINE_NUMBER_DEFAULT = "none"; # 'none', 'normal', 'linked' my $REPLACE_TAB_DEFAULT = "8"; my $LANG_TEST_LENGTH = 1024; my $DEFAULT_OUTPUTFORMAT='xterm'; my $ENTITIES; my %ENTITIES; my $STYLE_AND_LANGUAGE_FLAG; my %STYLESHEET; my %LANGUAGE; Usage() unless @ARGV; # ======================================================================= # == subroutines ======================================================== # ======================================================================= sub Usage { (my $prog = $0) =~ s!.*/!!; my $time = strftime("%F", localtime( (stat($0))[9])); print < with spaces -L, --language-file=LANGUAGE-FILE specify an alternate file for definitions -m, --modes print all available modes -h, --help print this message -V, --version print version -c, --content-type prints a Content-Type header -o, --output-format selects the output-format -H, --no-header don't use the template --template=FILE override template -T, --title set title -w, --linewidth max characters per line -b, --linebreakprefix prefix of the new lines see the man-page code2html for further help EOF exit; } #### #### main #### sub main { my %params = %{shift()}; my $html; # end result # undefine the input record separator so everything gets loaded in one turn local $/ = undef; # don't propogate this change outside this package. # Only set %STYLESHEET and %LANGUAGE if they haven't been # already set in a previous call ( if, say, we're running # in a persistent environment under mod_perl) # or if the langfile is passed in explicitly. if ( $params{'langfile'} or ! $STYLE_AND_LANGUAGE_FLAG ) { $STYLE_AND_LANGUAGE_FLAG = 1; # now they will be defined. print STDERR "getting patterns...\n" if ($params{'verbose'}); # building up the database # newer entries overwrite old ones my @CONFIG_FILES; push @CONFIG_FILES, "/etc/code2html.config"; push @CONFIG_FILES, $ENV{'HOME'}."/.code2html.config" if $ENV{'HOME'}; push @CONFIG_FILES, split(/:/,$ENV{'CODE2HTML_CONFIG'}) if $ENV{'CODE2HTML_CONFIG'}; push @CONFIG_FILES, split(/:/,$params{'langfile'}) if $params{'langfile'}; %STYLESHEET = %{ &get_default_stylesheet } ; %LANGUAGE = %{ &get_default_database } ; for (@CONFIG_FILES) { if ( -r $_){ # if I use `do $_` instead of scalar eval... # %LANGUAGE is not exported and imported correctly # (read: at all) (PP) unless (scalar eval `cat $_`) { warn "couldn't parse $_: $@" if $@; }; }; }; } # set outputformat # When called as a package, "die" is impolite. Changed to "return". # die "Outputformat $params{'outputformat'} not defined" # unless defined $STYLESHEET{$params{'outputformat'}}; return "Outputformat $params{'outputformat'} not defined" unless defined $STYLESHEET{$params{'outputformat'}}; my %STYLE = % { $STYLESHEET{$params{'outputformat'}} }; # load alternate template if given if (($params{'template'} ne "") && ( ! $params{'noheader'} )) { # open (FILE, $params{'template'}) || # die ("Could not open template file $params{'template'}: $!"); open (FILE, $params{'template'}) || return ("Could not open template file $params{'template'}: $!"); $STYLE{'template'} = ; close (FILE); }; # set up the global ENTITIES variables ( the scalar and the hash ) # from the STYLE definition $ENTITIES = $ { $STYLE{'entities'} }{'listofchars'}; %ENTITIES = % { $ { $STYLE{'entities'} }{'replace_by' } }; # modify the header and footer so that the template variables # are set correcly unless ($STYLE{'template'} =~ /^(.*)%%code%%(.*)$/s) { return "template does not contain a %%code%% variable"; }; $STYLE{'header'} = $1; $STYLE{'footer'} = $2; $STYLE{'header'} =~ s/%%title%%/$params{'title'}/g; $STYLE{'footer'} =~ s/%%title%%/$params{'title'}/g; $STYLE{'header'} =~ s/%%version%%/$vernr/g; $STYLE{'footer'} =~ s/%%version%%/$vernr/g; # load the input file and set params{'langmode'} # if it is not already. this is done by probing a # set of rules defined in %LANGUAGE my $code_ref; print STDERR "loading input file...\n" if ($params{'verbose'}); $code_ref = &get_input_file(\%params, \%LANGUAGE, $params{'langmode'}, $params{'alt_langmode'}); return 0 if ! ref $code_ref; # select the rules for out language. my $language_rules_ref = $LANGUAGE{ lc($params{'langmode'}) }->{'patterns'}; print STDERR "applying stylesheet...\n" if ($params{'verbose'}); # Apply the Stylesheets # set 'starttag' and 'endtag' for every rule according to # its 'style' value the tags are defined in the stylesheet &apply_stylesheets_to_rules( $language_rules_ref, \%STYLE ); print STDERR "getting headers ...\n" if ($params{'verbose'}); $html = &put_headers(\%params, \%STYLE); my $snippetlist_ref = [] ; print STDERR "creating snippet-list...\n" if $params{'verbose'}; &create_snippetlist( $language_rules_ref, $$code_ref, $snippetlist_ref, \%STYLE); print STDERR "getting html converted code ...\n" if $params{'verbose'}; $html .= &put_output(\%params, $snippetlist_ref, \%STYLE); # --- debug # print " - debug : \n"; # foreach my $key (keys %params) { # print " $key => " . $params{key} . "\n"; # } # return " - debug: done"; # --------- $html =~ s/\e\[0m(\e\[\d\d?m)/$1/g; $ii++ while $html =~ s/(\e\[0m[^\e]+)\e\[0m/$1/g; # Output $html code. if ( $params{outfile} ) { if ( $params{outfile} eq '-') { print $html; } else { open(FILEHANDLE, '>'.$params{outfile}) or return( " Couldn't open output file " . $params{outfile} . "$!"); print FILEHANDLE $html; close FILEHANDLE; } } else { return $html; } } #### #### parse_passed_params #### replaces parse_params for package version of program, #### constructing %RESULT hash from options passed by calling routine. sub parse_passed_params { if ( @_ == 1 ) { @_ = ( input => $_[0] ); }; my %RESULT = ( input => '', # text to convert infile => '', # filename to get text from outfile => '', # file to write html to langmode => '', # language (perl,java,html,...) alt_langmode => 'html', # language to use if can't tell langfile => '', # more definitions of languages line_number_prefix => '', linenumbers => $LINE_NUMBER_DEFAULT, outputformat => $DEFAULT_OUTPUTFORMAT, replacetabs => $REPLACE_TAB_DEFAULT, title => '', noheader => '', # 1 => don't print template content_type => '', content_encoding => '', template => '', # more template definitions verbose => '', what_to_do => 'normal', @_ , # any input key=>value pairs # will override the defaults # given above. ); $RESULT{title} = $RESULT{infile} if $RESULT{infile} && !$RESULT{title}; $RESULT{title} = 'Code2HTML' unless $RESULT{title}; if ( $RESULT{linenumbers} and $RESULT{linenumbers} !~ m/^none|normal|linked$/ ) { $RESULT{linenumbers} = 'normal'; }; return \%RESULT; } ########################################################################### ######################## checkTabulator ################################### ########################################################################## sub checkTabulator { my ($line, $TABSTOP) = @_; while ((my $at = index($line, "\t")) != -1) { my $cnt = ($TABSTOP - ($at % $TABSTOP)); my $replace_with = ' ' x $cnt if ($cnt); $line =~ s/\t/$replace_with/; }; return $line; } ########################################################################## ####################### get_input_file ################################### ########################################################################## sub get_input_file { # in : \%params # in : \%LANGUAGE; # in/out : $langmode; # in/out : $alt_langmode; # returns: input file my %PARAMS = %{$_[0]}; my %LANGUAGE = %{$_[1]}; my $langmode = $_[2]; my $alt_langmode = $_[3]; my $code; if ( $PARAMS{'input'} ) { $code = $PARAMS{'input'}; $code =~ s/\r//g; } else { if ($PARAMS{'infile'} eq '-') { *FILEHANDLE = *STDIN; } else { open(FILEHANDLE, $PARAMS{'infile'}) || return("While opening '$PARAMS{'infile'}' for input: ".$!."\n"); } local $/=undef; $code = ; close(FILEHANDLE); $PARAMS{'infile'} = $opt_i || $PARAMS{'infile'}; }; if ($PARAMS{'replacetabs'} != 0) { $code = join ( "\n", map{ &checkTabulator($_, $PARAMS{'replacetabs'}) } my @dummy = split(/\n/, $code) ); }; if ( not $langmode ) { my $test_code = substr($code, 0, $LANG_TEST_LENGTH); # warn("language mode not given. guessing...\n"); $langmode = ''; for (keys %LANGUAGE) { if ( (($LANGUAGE{$_}->{'filename'} ne '') && ($PARAMS{'infile'} =~ m/$LANGUAGE{$_}->{filename}/)) || (($LANGUAGE{$_}->{'regex'} ne '') && ($test_code =~ m/$LANGUAGE{$_}->{regex}/ )) ) { $langmode = $_; last; }; }; if ($langmode eq '') { if ( not $alt_langmode ) { warn("Guessing language mode failed. " . "Using fallback mode: '$alt_langmode'\n"); $langmode = $alt_langmode; $alt_langmode = ''; } else { print $code unless $str; return("Guessing language mode failed.\n") }; } else { # warn("using '$langmode'\n"); }; }; $_[2] = $langmode; $_[3] = $alt_langmode; print "==> append : to filename to switch off syntax highlighting\n"; return \$code; }; ########################################################################### ####################### put_headers ####################################### ########################################################################### sub put_headers { my $html; my %PARAMS = %{shift()}; my $STYLE_REF = shift(); if ( $PARAMS{'content_type'}) { $html .= "Content-Type: $$STYLE_REF{'content-type'}\n"; if ($PARAMS{'content_encoding'}) { $html .= "Content-Encoding: $PARAMS{'encoding'}\n"; } $html .= "\n"; } $html .= $$STYLE_REF{'header'} unless $PARAMS{'noheader'}; return $html; }; ############################################################################ ####################### apply_stylesheets_to_rules ######################### ############################################################################ sub apply_stylesheets_to_rules { my ( $regexps_ref, $style_ref ) = @_; for ( @$regexps_ref ) { warn ("Style '".$_->{style}."' not defined in stylesheet.\n") unless defined $ { $$style_ref{'tags'} } { $_->{style} }; $_->{'starttag'} = $ { $ { $$style_ref{'tags'} } { $_->{style} } } { 'start' }; $_->{'endtag'} = $ { $ { $$style_ref{'tags'} } { $_->{style} } } { 'stop' }; apply_stylesheets_to_rules( $_->{childregex}, $style_ref ) if $_->{childregex}; }; }; ########################################################################### ####################### create_snippetlist ################################ ########################################################################### sub create_snippetlist { my ( $regexps_ref, $code, $snippetlist_ref, $style_ref ) = @_ ; my $length = length( $code ); ## An array of regular expression sturctures, each of which is an ## array. @res is kept sorted by starting position of the RExen and ## then by the position of the regex in the language file. This allows ## us to just evaluate $res[0], and to hand write fast code that typically ## handles 90% of the cases without resorting to the _big_ guns. ## ## FWIW, I pronounce '@res' REEZE, as in the plural of '$re'. ## my @res ; my $pos ; for ( @$regexps_ref ) { pos( $code ) = 0 ; #++$m ; next unless $code =~ m/($_->{regex})/gms ; $pos = pos( $code ) ; # $res[@res] = [ # $_->{regex}, # $ { $ { $$style_ref{'tags'} } { $_->{style} } } { 'start' }, # $ { $ { $$style_ref{'tags'} } { $_->{style} } } { 'stop' }, # $_->{childregex}, # $pos - length( $1 ), # $pos, # scalar( @res ), # ] ; $res[@res] = [ $_->{regex}, $_->{starttag}, $_->{endtag}, $_->{childregex}, $pos - length( $1 ), $pos, scalar( @res ), ] ; } ## 90% of all child regexes end up with 0 or 1 regex that needs to be ## worried about. Trimming out the 0's speeds things up a bit and ## makes the below loop simpler, since there's always at least ## 1 regexp. It donsn't speed things up much by itself: the percentage ## of times this fires is really small. But it does simplify the loop ## below and speed it up. unless ( @res ) { $code =~ s/($ENTITIES)/$ENTITIES{$1}/ge ; push @$snippetlist_ref, $code ; return ; } @res = sort { $a->[4] <=> $b->[4] || $a->[6] <=> $b->[6] } @res ; ## Add a dummy at the end, which makes the logic below simpler / faster. $res[@res] = [ undef, undef, undef, undef, $length, $length, scalar( @res ), ] ; ## These are declared here for (minor) speed improvement. my $re ; my $match_spos ; my $match_pos ; my $re_spos ; my $re_pos ; my $re_num ; my $prefix ; my $snippet ; my $rest ; my $i ; my $l ; my @changed_res ; my $j ; $pos = 0 ; MAIN: while ( $pos < $length ) { $re = $res[0] ; $match_spos = $re->[4] ; $match_pos = $re->[5] ; if ( $match_spos > $pos ) { $prefix = substr( $code, $pos, $match_spos - $pos ) ; $prefix =~ s/($ENTITIES)/$ENTITIES{$1}/ge ; push @$snippetlist_ref, $prefix ; } if ( $match_pos > $match_spos ) { $snippet = substr( $code, $match_spos, $match_pos - $match_spos ) ; if ( @{$re->[3]} ) { push @$snippetlist_ref, $re->[1] ; create_snippetlist( $re->[3], $snippet, $snippetlist_ref, $style_ref ) ; push @$snippetlist_ref, $re->[2] ; } else { $snippet =~ s/($ENTITIES)/$ENTITIES{$1}/ge ; push @$snippetlist_ref, $re->[1], $snippet, $re->[2]; } } $pos = $match_pos ; ## ## Hand coded optimizations. Luckily, the cases that arise most often ## are the easiest to tune. ## # =pod if ( $res[1]->[4] >= $pos ) { ## Only first regex needs to be moved, 2nd and later are still valid. ## This is often 90% of the cases for Perl or C (others not tested, ## just uncomment the $n, $o, and $p lines and try it yourself). #++$n{1} ; #++$m ; pos( $code ) = $pos ; unless ( $code =~ m/($re->[0])/gms ) { #++$o{'0'} ; if ( @res == 2 ) { ## If the only regexp left is the dummy, we're done. $rest = substr( $code, $pos ) ; $rest =~ s/($ENTITIES)/$ENTITIES{$1}/ge ; push @$snippetlist_ref, $rest ; last ; } shift @res ; } else { $re->[5] = $re_pos = pos( $code ) ; $re->[4] = $re_spos = $re_pos - length( $1 ) ; ## Walk down the array looking for $re's new home. ## The first few loop iterations are unrolled and done manually ## for speed, which handles 85 to 90% of the cases where only ## $re needs to be moved. ## ## Here's where that dummy regexp at the end of the array comes ## in handy: we don't need to worry about array size here, since ## it will always be after $re no matter what. The unrolled ## loop stuff is outdented to make the conditionals fit on one ## 80 char line. ## Element 4 in @{$res[x]} is the start position of the match. ## Element 6 is the order in which it was declared in the lang file. $re_num = $re->[6] ; if ( ( $re_spos <=> $res[1]->[4] || $re_num <=> $res[1]->[6] ) <= 0 ) { #++$o{'1'} ; next } $res[0] = $res[1] ; #++$o{'2'} ; if ( ( $re_spos <=> $res[2]->[4] || $re_num <=> $res[2]->[6] ) <= 0 ) { $res[1] = $re ; next ; } $res[1] = $res[2] ; if ( ( $re_spos <=> $res[3]->[4] || $re_num <=> $res[3]->[6] ) <= 0 ) { #++$o{'3'} ; $res[2] = $re ; next ; } $res[2] = $res[3] ; if ( ( $re_spos <=> $res[4]->[4] || $re_num <=> $res[4]->[6] ) <= 0 ) { #++$o{'3'} ; $res[3] = $re ; next ; } $res[3] = $res[4] ; if ( ( $re_spos <=> $res[5]->[4] || $re_num <=> $res[5]->[6] ) <= 0 ) { #++$o{'4'} ; $res[4] = $re ; next ; } $res[4] = $res[5] ; #++$o{'ugh'} ; $i = 6 ; $l = $#res ; for ( ; $i < $l ; ++$i ) { last if ( ( $re_spos <=> $res[$i]->[4] || $re_num <=> $res[$i]->[6] ) <= 0 ) ; $res[$i-1] = $res[$i] ; } #++$p{sprintf( "%2d", $i )} ; $res[$i-1] = $re ; } next ; } # =cut ## ## End optimizations. You can comment them all out and this net ## does all the work, just more slowly. If you do that, then ## you also need to comment out the code below that deals with ## the second entry in @res. ## #my $ni = 0 ; ## First re always needs to be tweaked #++$m ; #++$ni ; pos( $code ) = $pos ; unless ( $code =~ m/($re->[0])/gms ) { if ( @res == 2 ) { ## If the only regexp left is the dummy, we're done. $rest = substr( $code, $pos ) ; $rest =~ s/($ENTITIES)/$ENTITIES{$1}/ge ; push @$snippetlist_ref, $rest ; last ; } shift @res ; @changed_res = () ; $i = 0 ; } else { $re->[5] = $re_pos = pos( $code ) ; $re->[4] = $re_pos - length( $1 ) ; @changed_res = ( $re ) ; $i = 1 ; } ## If the optimizations above are in, the second one always ## needs to be tweaked, too. $re = $res[$i] ; #++$m ; #++$ni ; pos( $code ) = $pos ; unless ( $code =~ m/($re->[0])/gms ) { if ( @res == 2 ) { ## If the only regexp left is the dummy, we're done. $rest = substr( $code, $pos ) ; $rest =~ s/($ENTITIES)/$ENTITIES{$1}/ge ; push @$snippetlist_ref, $rest ; last ; } shift @res ; } else { $re->[5] = $re_pos = pos( $code ) ; $re->[4] = $re_spos = $re_pos - length( $1 ) ; if ( @changed_res && ( $changed_res[0]->[4] <=> $re_spos || $changed_res[0]->[6] <=> $re->[6] ) > 0 ) { unshift @changed_res, $re ; } else { $changed_res[$i] = $re ; } ++$i ; } for ( ; ; ++$i ) { local $_ = $res[$i] ; #++$m ; last if $_->[4] >= $pos ; #++$ni ; #++$m ; pos( $code ) = $pos ; unless ( $code =~ m/($_->[0])/gms ) { if ( @res <= 2 ) { $rest = substr( $code, $pos ) ; $rest =~ s/($ENTITIES)/$ENTITIES{$1}/ge ; push @$snippetlist_ref, $rest ; last MAIN ; } ## If this regex is no longer needed, remove it by not pushing it ## on to @changed_res. This means we need one less slot in @res. shift @res ; redo ; } $_->[5] = $re_pos = pos( $code ) ; $_->[4] = $re_spos = $re_pos - length( $1 ) ; ## Insertion sort in to @changed_res $re_num = $_->[6] ; for ( $j = $#changed_res ; $j > -1 ; --$j ) { last if ( ( $changed_res[$j]->[4] <=> $re_spos || $changed_res[$j]->[6] <=> $re_num ) < 0 ) ; $changed_res[$j+1] = $changed_res[$j] ; } $changed_res[$j+1] = $_ ; } ## Merge sort @changed_res and @res in to @res $j = 0 ; $l = $#res ; for ( @changed_res ) { while ( $i < $l && ( $_->[4] <=> $res[$i]->[4] || $_->[6] <=> $res[$i]->[6] ) > 0 ) { $res[$j++] = $res[$i++] ; } $res[$j++] = $_ ; } # =cut } }; ########################################################################## ####################### put_output ####################################### ########################################################################## sub put_output { my ( $params, $snippetlist_ref, $STYLE_REF ) = @_ ; my $result; my $prefix = ''; $prefix = $params->{'line_number_prefix'}.'_' if $params->{'line_number_prefix'}; $result = &{ $ { $$STYLE_REF{'linenumbers'}} {$params->{'linenumbers'}} }(join ('', @$snippetlist_ref), $prefix); # print FILEHANDLE $result unless $params->{'dont_print_output'} ; # print FILEHANDLE $$STYLE_REF{'footer'} unless $params->{'noheader'}; $result .= $$STYLE_REF{'footer'} unless $params->{noheader}; return $result; }; ############################################################################ ####################### get_default_stylesheet ############################# ############################################################################ sub get_default_stylesheet { my %STYLESHEET; ########## ########## different color modes for html. # those are named html-dark, html-nobc and html-light. # html-light is also named html # the only difference between html-light and html-nobc is # that html-light defines a body background and text color. # nobc stands for no body colors. my ($bold, $underline, $reverse, $reset, $red, $green, $yellow, $blue, $magenta, $cyan); eval "use Term::ANSIColor"; if ($@) { $bold = "\e[1m"; $underline = "\e[4m"; $reverse = "\e[7m"; $reset = "\e[0m"; $red = "\e[31m"; $green = "\e[32m"; $yellow = "\e[33m"; $blue = "\e[34m"; $magenta = "\e[35m"; $cyan = "\e[36m"; } else { $bold = color('bold'); $underline = color('underline'); $reverse = color('reverse'); $reset = color('reset'); $red = color('red'); $green = color('green'); $yellow = color('yellow'); $blue = color('blue'); $magenta = color('magenta'); $cyan = color('cyan'); } $STYLESHEET{'xterm'} = { 'template' => '%%code%%', 'content-type' => 'text/html', 'linenumbers' => { 'none' => sub { return $_[0]; }, 'normal' => sub { # o as the first parameter is the joined snippetlist # o the second is an optional prefix, needed if more than one block # in a file is highlighted. needed in patch-mode. may be empty # the sub should the return a scalar made up of the joined lines including linenumbers my @lines = split ( /\n/, $_[0] ); my $nr = 0; my $lengthofnr = length(@lines); my $format = qq{%${lengthofnr}u %s\n} ; join ('', map ( {$nr++; sprintf ( $format , $nr, $_ )} @lines)); }, 'linked' => sub { # is not defined for xterm output, therefore do nothing return $_[0]; }, }, 'tags' => { 'comment' => { 'start' => $blue, 'stop' => $reset }, 'doc comment' => { 'start' => "$bold$blue", 'stop' => $reset }, 'string' => { 'start' => $red, 'stop' => $reset }, 'esc string' => { 'start' => $magenta, 'stop' => $reset }, 'character' => { 'start' => $reset, 'stop' => $reset }, 'esc character' => { 'start' => $magenta, 'stop' => $reset }, 'numeric' => { 'start' => $red, 'stop' => $reset }, 'identifier' => { 'start' => $cyan, 'stop' => $reset }, 'predefined identifier' => { 'start' => $cyan, 'stop' => $reset }, 'type' => { 'start' => $cyan, 'stop' => $reset }, 'predefined type' => { 'start' => $green, 'stop' => $reset }, 'reserved word' => { 'start' => "$yellow", 'stop' => $reset }, 'library function' => { 'start' => $reset, 'stop' => $reset }, 'include' => { 'start' => $green, 'stop' => $reset }, 'preprocessor' => { 'start' => $green, 'stop' => $reset }, 'braces' => { 'start' => $reset, 'stop' => $reset }, 'symbol' => { 'start' => $green, 'stop' => $reset }, 'function header' => { 'start' => "$bold$red", 'stop' => $reset }, 'function header name' => { 'start' => "$bold$cyan", 'stop' => $reset }, 'function header args' => { 'start' => $cyan, 'stop' => $reset }, 'regex' => { 'start' => $magenta, 'stop' => $reset }, 'text' => { 'start' => $red, 'stop' => $reset}, # HTML 'entity' => { 'start' => $green, 'stop' => $reset }, # MAKEFILE 'assignment' => { 'start' => $green, 'stop' => $reset }, 'dependency line' => { 'start' => $cyan, 'stop' => $reset }, 'dependency target' => { 'start' => $blue, 'stop' => $reset }, 'dependency continuation'=> { 'start' => $magenta, 'stop' => $reset }, 'continuation' => { 'start' => $magenta, 'stop' => $reset }, 'macro' => { 'start' => $red, 'stop' => $reset }, 'int macro' => { 'start' => $red, 'stop' => $reset }, 'esc $$$' => { 'start' => $yellow, 'stop' => $reset }, 'separator' => { 'start' => $green, 'stop' => $reset }, 'line spec' => { 'start' => $cyan, 'stop' => $reset }, 'deletion' => { 'start' => $red, 'stop' => $reset }, 'insertion' => { 'start' => $blue, 'stop' => $reset }, 'modification' => { 'start' => $magenta, 'stop' => $reset }, } }; $STYLESHEET{'html-light'} = { 'template' => ' %%title%%

syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. %%version%%

', 'content-type' => 'text/html', 'entities' => { 'listofchars' => '[<>&"]', # a regex actually 'replace_by' => { '&' => '&', '<' => '<', '>' => '>', '"' => '"' } }, 'linenumbers' => { 'none' => sub { return $_[0]; }, 'normal' => sub { # o as the first parameter is the joined snippetlist # o the second is an optional prefix, needed if more than one block # in a file is highlighted. needed in patch-mode. may be empty # the sub should the return a scalar made up of the joined lines including linenumbers my @lines = split ( /\n/, $_[0] ); my $nr = 0; my $lengthofnr = length(@lines); my $format = qq{%${lengthofnr}u %s\n} ; join ('', map ( {$nr++; sprintf ( $format , $nr, $nr, $_ )} @lines)); }, 'linked' => sub { # this should do the same as above only with linenumbers that link to themselves # If this style does not support this, use the same as above. my @lines = split ( /\n/, $_[0] ); my $nr = 0; my $lengthofnr = length(@lines); my $format = qq{%$ {lengthofnr}u %s\n}; join ('', map ( {$nr++; sprintf ( $format , $nr, $nr, $nr, $_ )} @lines)); } }, 'tags' => { 'comment' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'doc comment' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'string' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'esc string' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'character' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'esc character' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'numeric' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'identifier' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'predefined identifier' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'type' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'predefined type' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'reserved word' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'library function' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'include' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'preprocessor' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'braces' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'symbol' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'function header' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'function header name' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'function header args' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'regex' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'text' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => ''}, # HTML 'entity' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, # MAKEFILE 'assignment' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'dependency line' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'dependency target' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'dependency continuation'=> { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'continuation' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'macro' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'int macro' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'esc $$$' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' } } }; # html-light is also called html $STYLESHEET{'html'} = $STYLESHEET{'html-light'}; # html-nobc is a modification of html-light # in such a way, that the body tag does not define # a background and a text color # nobc stands for no body colors. %{$STYLESHEET{'html-nobg'}} = %{$STYLESHEET{'html-light'}}; ${ $STYLESHEET{'html-nobg'}} {'template'} = ' %%title%%

syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. %%version%%

'; # html-dark is a modification of html-light # in such a way, that the body tag does define # different colors and that the colors are different. %{$STYLESHEET{'html-dark'}} = %{$STYLESHEET{'html-light'}}; ${ $STYLESHEET{'html-dark'}} {'template'} = ' %%title%%

syntax highlighted by Code2HTML, v. %%version%%

'; ${ $STYLESHEET{'html-dark'}} {'tags'} = { 'comment' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'doc comment' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'string' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'esc string' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'character' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'esc character' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'numeric' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'identifier' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'predefined identifier' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'type' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'predefined type' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'reserved word' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'library function' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'include' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'preprocessor' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'braces' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'symbol' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'function header' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'function header name' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'function header args' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'regex' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'text' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => ''}, # HTML 'entity' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, # MAKEFILE 'assignment' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'dependency line' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'dependency target' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'dependency continuation'=> { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'continuation' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'macro' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'int macro' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' }, 'esc $$$' => { 'start' => '', 'stop' => '' } }; return \%STYLESHEET; }; ############################################################################# ####################### get_default_database ################################ ############################################################################# sub get_default_database { my %LANGUAGE; # written by PP $LANGUAGE{'plain'} = { 'filename' => '', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [] }; # taken from nedit # modified by PP $LANGUAGE{'ada'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.a(d[asb]?)?$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'Comments', 'regex' => '--.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [], }, { 'name' => 'String Literals', 'regex' => '".*?("|$)', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Character Literals', 'regex' => '\'.\'', 'style' => 'character', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Ada Attributes', 'regex' => '\'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_]+\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Numeric Literals', 'regex' => '(((2|8|10|16)#[_0-9a-fA-F]*#)|[0-9.]+)', 'style' => 'numeric', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Withs Pragmas Use', 'regex' => '\\b(?i)((with|pragma|use)[ \\t\\n\\f\\r]+[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+;)+\\b', 'style' => 'include', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Predefined Types', 'regex' => '\\b(?i)(boolean|character|count|duration|float|integer|long_float|long_integer|priority|short_float|short_integer|string)\\b', 'style' => 'predefined type', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Predefined Subtypes', 'regex' => '\\b(?i)field|natural|number_base|positive|priority\\b', 'style' => 'predefined type', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Reserved Words', 'regex' => '\\b(?i)(abort|abs|accept|access|and|array|at|begin|body|case|constant|declare|delay|delta|digits|do|else|elsif|end|entry|exception|exit|for|function|generic|goto|if|in|is|limited|loop|mod|new|not|null|of|or|others|out|package|pragma|private|procedure|raise|range|record|rem|renames|return|reverse|select|separate|subtype|task|terminate|then|type|use|when|while|with|xor)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Ada 95 Only', 'regex' => '\\b(?i)(abstract|tagged|all|protected|aliased|requeue|until)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Identifiers', 'regex' => '\\b[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\b', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Dot All', 'regex' => '(?i)\\.all\\b', 'style' => 'predefined identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; $LANGUAGE{'ada95'} = $LANGUAGE{'ada'}; # written by JA $LANGUAGE{'awk'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.awk$', 'regex' => '^\\s*#\\s*![^\\s]*awk', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '#.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"|"\\\\\\\\"', # 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|"[^"\\\\]"|"[^"].*?[^\\\\]"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '\'\'|\'.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\'|\'\\\\\\\\\'', # 'regex' => '\'\'|\'\\\\\\\\\'|\'[^\'\\\\]\'|\'[^\'].*?[^\\\\]\'', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'function header', 'regex' => 'function[\\t ]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\\t \\n]*(\\{|\\n)', 'style' => 'function header', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'function coloring', 'regex' => '[\\t ]([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)', 'style' => 'function header name', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'regex matching I 1', 'regex' => '(\\b| )?(/)(\\\\/|[^/\\n])*(/[gimesox]*)', 'style' => 'regex', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'regex matching I 2', 'regex' => '(?:\\b| )(?:(?:m|q|qq)([!"#$%&\'*+-/]))(\\\\\\2|[^\\2\\n])*(\\2[gimesox]*)', 'style' => 'regex', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'regex matching II', 'regex' => '(?:\\b| )?(?:s([!"#$%&\'*+-/]))(?:\\\\\\2|[^\\2\\n])*?(\\2)[^(\\2)\\n]*?(\\2[gimesox]*)', 'style' => 'regex', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'translate', 'regex' => '(?:\\b| )(?:(?:tr|y)([^\w\s]))(?:\\\\\\2|[^\\2\\n])*?(\\2)[^(\\2)\\n]*?(\\2[gimesox]*)', 'style' => 'regex', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'keywords', 'regex' => '\\b(BEGIN|END|ARGC|ARGIND|ARGV|CONVFMT|ENVIRON|ERRNO|FIELDWIDTHS|FILENAME|FNR|FS|IGNORECASE|NF|NR|OFMT|OFS|ORS|RS|RT|RSTART|RLENGTH|SUBSEP)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'keywords 2', 'regex' => '\\b(if|while|do|for|in|break|continue|delete|exit|next|nextfile|function)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'library fns', 'regex' => '\\b(close|getline|print|printf|system|fflush|atan2|cos|exp|int|log|rand|sin|sqrt|srand|gensub|gsub|index|length|split|sprintf|sub|substr|tolower|toupper|systime|strftime)\\b', 'style' => 'library function', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'braces and parens', 'regex' => '[\\[\\]\\{\\}\\(\\)]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => '<< stuff', 'regex' => '<<\'([^\\n]*)\';.*?^\\2$', 'style' => 'text', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => '<< stuff', 'regex' => '<<([^\\n]*).*?^\\2$', 'style' => 'text', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; # taken from nedit # modified by PP $LANGUAGE{'c'} = { 'filename' => '\\.[ch]$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'doc comment', 'regex' => '/\\*\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'doc comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '/\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"|"\\\\\\\\"', # 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|"[^"\\\\]"|"[^"].*?[^\\\\]"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'preprocessor line', 'regex' => '^[ \\t]*#.*?$', 'style' => 'preprocessor', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"|"\\\\\\\\"', # 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|"[^"\\\\]"|"[^"].*?[^\\\\]"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => '', 'regex' => '<.*?>', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '[^/]/\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'character constant', 'regex' => '\'(\\\\)?.\'', 'style' => 'character', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'numeric constant', 'regex' => '\\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)|(\\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f)?\\b', 'style' => 'numeric', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'storage keyword', 'regex' => '\\b(const|extern|auto|register|static|unsigned|signed|volatile|char|double|float|int|long|short|void|typedef|struct|union|enum)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'keyword', 'regex' => '\\b(return|goto|if|else|case|default|switch|break|continue|while|do|for|sizeof)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'braces', 'regex' => '[\\{\\}]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'symbols', 'regex' => '([\\*\\-\\+=:;%&\\|<>\\(\\)\\[\\]!])', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'identifiers', 'regex' => '([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; # taken from nedit # modified by PP $LANGUAGE{'c++'} = { 'filename' => '\\.(c(c|pp|xx)|h(h|pp|xx)|C(C|PP|XX)?|H(H|PP|XX)?|i)$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'doc comment', 'regex' => '/\\*\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'doc comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '/\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'cplus comment', 'regex' => '//.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"', # 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|"[^"\\\\]"|"[^"].*?[^\\\\]"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'preprocessor line', 'regex' => '^[ \\t]*#.*?$', 'style' => 'preprocessor', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"|"\\\\\\\\"', # 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|"[^"\\\\]"|"[^"].*?[^\\\\]"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => '', 'regex' => '<.*?>', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '[^/]/\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'cplus comment', 'regex' => '//.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'character constant', 'regex' => '\'(\\\\)?.\'', 'style' => 'character', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'numeric constant', 'regex' => '\\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)|(\\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f)?\\b', 'style' => 'numeric', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'storage keyword', 'regex' => '\\b(class|typename|typeid|template|friend|virtual|inline|explicit|operator|overload|public|private|protected|const|extern|auto|register|static|mutable|unsigned|signed|volatile|char|double|float|int|long|short|bool|wchar_t|void|typedef|struct|union|enum)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [], }, { 'name' => 'keyword', 'regex' => '\\b(new|delete|this|return|goto|if|else|case|default|switch|break|continue|while|do|for|catch|throw|sizeof|true|false|namespace|using|dynamic_cast|static_cast|reinterpret_cast)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'braces', 'regex' => '[\\{\\}]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'symbols', 'regex' => '([\\*\\-\\+=:;%&\\|<>\\(\\)\\[\\]!])', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'identifiers', 'regex' => '([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; $LANGUAGE{'cc'} = $LANGUAGE{'c++'}; $LANGUAGE{'cpp'} = $LANGUAGE{'c++'}; $LANGUAGE{'cxx'} = $LANGUAGE{'c++'}; # written by VRS $LANGUAGE{'gpasm'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.(asm|inc)$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'args', 'regex' => '^.*$', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => ';.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'labels', 'regex' => '^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*:?', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'menonics', 'regex' => '^[ \t]+[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]*', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"|"\\\\\\\\"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] } ] } ] }; # written by JA $LANGUAGE{'groff'} = { 'filename' => '\\.groff$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '\\\\".*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; # taken from nedit # modified by PP $LANGUAGE{'html'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.(html?|mhtml|php)$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'entity', 'regex' => '\\&[-.a-zA-Z0-9#]*;?', 'style' => 'entity', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'tag', 'regex' => '<(/|!)?[-.a-zA-Z0-9]*.*?>', 'style' => 'predefined identifier', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'double quote string', 'regex' => '".*?"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'single quote string', 'regex' => '\'.*?\'', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'brackets', 'regex' => '[<>]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'attribute', 'regex' => '[^\'" ]+(?=.)', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] } ] }; # Added May 17, 2002, Jim M. $LANGUAGE{'xml'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.(xml|xps|xsl|axp|ppd)?$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'entity', 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'regex' => '\\b(abstract|boolean|byte|char|class|double|extends|final|float|int|interface|long|native|private|protected|public|short|static|transient|synchronized|void|volatile|implements)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'keyword', 'regex' => '\\b(break|case|catch|continue|default|do|else|false|finally|for|if|instanceof|new|null|return|super|switch|this|throw|throws|true|try|while)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'braces and parens', 'regex' => '[\\{\\}\\(\\)\\[\\]]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'Identifiers', 'regex' => '\\b[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\b', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'symbols', 'regex' => '([\\*\\-\\+=:;%&\\|<>!])', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; # taken from nedit # modified by PP $LANGUAGE{'javascript'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.js$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '/\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 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[ { 'name' => 'function args', 'regex' => '\\(.*?\\)', 'style' => 'function header args', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'function name', 'regex' => '[\\t ][a-zA-Z0-9_]+', 'style' => 'function header name', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'built in object type', 'regex' => '\\b(anchor|Applet|Area|Array|button|checkbox|Date|document|elements|FileUpload|form|frame|Function|hidden|history|Image|link|location|Math|navigator|Option|password|Plugin|radio|reset|select|string|submit|text|textarea|window)\\b', 'style' => 'predefined type', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '".*?("|$)', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'colors', 'regex' => 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'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '\'.*?(\'|$)', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'colors', 'regex' => 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'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [], } ] }, { 'name' => 'event capturing', 'regex' => '\\b(captureEvents|releaseEvents|routeEvent|handleEvent)\\b.*?(\\)|$)', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'predefined methods', 'regex' => '\\b(abs|acos|alert|anchor|asin|atan|atan2|back|big|blink|blur|bold|ceil|charAt|clear|clearTimeout|click|close|confirm|cos|escape|eval|exp|fixed|floor|focus|fontcolor|fontsize|forward|getDate|getDay|getHours|getMinutes|getMonth|getSeconds|getTime|getTimezoneOffset|getYear|go|indexOf|isNaN|italics|javaEnabled|join|lastIndexOf|link|log|max|min|open|parse|parseFloat|parseInt|pow|prompt|random|reload|replace|reset|reverse|round|scroll|select|setDate|setHours|setMinutes|setMonth|setSeconds|setTimeout|setTime|setYear|sin|small|sort|split|sqrt|strike|sub|submit|substring|sup|taint|tan|toGMTString|toLocaleString|toLowerCase|toString|toUpperCase|unescape|untaint|UTC|write|writeln)\\b', 'style' => 'library function', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'properties', 'regex' => '\\b(action|alinkColor|anchors|appCodeName|appName|appVersion|bgColor|border|checked|complete|cookie|defaultChecked|defaultSelected|defaultStatus|defaultValue|description|E|elements|enabledPlugin|encoding|fgColor|filename|forms|frames|hash|height|host|hostname|href|hspace|index|lastModified|length|linkColor|links|LN2|LN10|LOG2E|LOG10E|lowsrc|method|name|opener|options|parent|pathname|PI|port|protocol|prototype|referrer|search|selected|selectedIndex|self|SQRT1_2|SQRT2|src|status|target|text|title|top|type|URL|userAgent|value|vlinkColor|vspace|width|window)\\b', 'style' => 'predefined identifier', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'operators', 'regex' => '([=;->/&|])', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; $LANGUAGE{'js'} = $LANGUAGE{'javascript'}; # written by Andreas Krennmair # extremely incomplete $LANGUAGE{'lisp'} = { 'filename' => '\\.(lsp|l)$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'parens', 'regex' => '[()]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => ';.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '".*?("|$)', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'keywords', 'regex' => '\\b(defun |xyz)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'numeric constant', 'regex' => '(#\([0-9]+ [0-9]+\)|[0-9]+)', 'style' => 'numeric', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'identifiers', 'regex' => '([-a-zA-Z]+)', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; # written by JA $LANGUAGE{'m4'} = { 'filename' => '\\.m4$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'regex' => 'dnl.*?$', 'style' => 'doc comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'regex' => '#.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'regex' => 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}; $LANGUAGE{'pascal'} = $LANGUAGE{'pas'}; # taken from nedit # modified by PP # modified by BS # modified by JD # modified by JP $LANGUAGE{'perl'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.p([lm5]|od)$', 'regex' => '^\\s*#\\s*!([^\\s]*\\b|.*env\\s+)perl', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '(?:#.*?(?:\r?\n\s*)+)+', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'variables', 'regex' => '[\\$@%]\\$?(?:{[^}]*}|[^a-zA-Z0-9_/\\t\\n\\.,\\\\[\\\\{\\\\(]|[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => '"" string', 'regex' => '""|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"|"\\\\\\\\"', # 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|"[^"\\\\]"|"[^"].*?[^\\\\]"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'variables', 'regex' => '[\\$@%]\\$?(?:{[^}]*}|[^a-zA-Z0-9_/\\t\\n\\.,\\\\[\\\\{\\\\(]|[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => '\'\' string', 'regex' => '\'\'|\'.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\'|\'\\\\\\\\\'', # 'regex' => '\'\'|\'\\\\\\\\\'|\'[^\'\\\\]\'|\'[^\'].*?[^\\\\]\'', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'more strings - q// qw//', 'regex' => '(?:\\b| )(?:q|qw)([^\w\s])(?:\\\\\\2|[^\\2\\n])*\\2', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'more strings - qq// qx//', 'regex' => '(?:\\b| )(?:qq|qx)([^\w\s])(?:\\\\\\2|[^\\2\\n])*\\2', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'variables', 'regex' => '[\\$@%]\\$?(?:{[^}]*}|[^a-zA-Z0-9_/\\t\\n\\.,\\\\[\\\\{\\\\(]|[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'subroutine 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'style' => 'library function', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'braces, parens and brakets', 'regex' => '[\\[\\]\\{\\}\\(\\)]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => '<< stuff', 'regex' => '<<(?:("|\')([^\\n]*)\\2|\\w*).*?^\\3$', 'style' => 'text', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'POD', 'regex' => '^=.*?^(?:=cut|\\Z)', 'style' => 'doc comment', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; # Thanks to Matt Giwer $LANGUAGE{'pov'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.pov$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'doc comment', 'regex' => '/\\*\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'doc comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '/\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'cplus comment', 'regex' => '//.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"|"\\\\\\\\"', # 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|"[^"\\\\]"|"[^"].*?[^\\\\]"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'preprocessor line', 'regex' => '^[ \\t]*#.*?$', 'style' => 'preprocessor', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"|"\\\\\\\\"', # 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|"[^"\\\\]"|"[^"].*?[^\\\\]"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => '', 'regex' => '<.*?>', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '[^/]/\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'cplus comment', 'regex' => '//.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'character constant', 'regex' => '\'(\\\\)?.\'', 'style' => 'character', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'numeric constant', 'regex' => '\\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)|(\\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f)?\\b', 'style' => 'numeric', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'keyword', 'regex' => '\\b(abs|absorption|acos|acosh|adaptive|adc_bailout|agate|agate_turb|all|alpha|ambient|ambient_light|angle|aperture|append|arc_angle|area_light|array|asc|asin|asinh|assumed_gamma|atan|atan2|atanh|average|background|bezier_spline|bicubic_patch|black_hole|blob|blue|blur_samples|bounded_by|box|boxed|bozo|break|brick|brick_size|brightness|brilliance|bumps|bump_map|bump_size|camera|case|caustics|ceil|checker|chr|clipped_by|clock|clock_delta|color|color_map|colour|colour_map|component|composite|concat|cone|confidence|conic_sweep|control0|control1|cos|cosh|count|crackle|crand|cube|cubic|cubic_spline|cubic_wave|cylinder|cylindrical|debug|declare|default|defined|degrees|density|density_file|density_map|dents|difference|diffuse|dimensions|dimension_size|direction|disc|distance|distance_maximum|div|eccentricity|else|emission|end|error|error_bound|exp|extinction|fade_distance|fade_power|falloff|falloff_angle|false|fclose|file_exists|filter|finish|fisheye|flatness|flip|floor|focal_point|fog|fog_alt|fog_offset|fog_type|fopen|frequency|gif|global_settings|gradient|granite|gray_threshold|green|height_field|hexagon|hf_gray_16|hierarchy|hollow|hypercomplex|if|ifdef|iff|ifndef|image_map|include|int|interior|interpolate|intersection|intervals|inverse|ior|irid|irid_wavelength|jitter|julia_fractal|lambda|lathe|leopard|light_source|linear_spline|linear_sweep|local|location|log|looks_like|look_at|low_error_factor|macro|mandel|map_type|marble|material|material_map|matrix|max|max_intersections|max_iteration|max_trace_level|media|media_attenuation|media_interaction|merge|mesh|metallic|min|minimum_reuse|mod|mortar|nearest_count|no|normal|normal_map|no_shadow|number_of_waves|object|octaves|off|offset|omega|omnimax|on|once|onion|open|orthographic|panoramic|perspective|pgm|phase|phong|phong_size|pi|pigment|pigment_map|planar|plane|png|point_at|poly|polygon|poly_wave|pot|pow|ppm|precision|prism|pwr|quadratic_spline|quadric|quartic|quaternion|quick_color|quick_colour|quilted|radial|radians|radiosity|radius|rainbow|ramp_wave|rand|range|ratio|read|reciprocal|recursion_limit|red|reflection|reflection_exponent|refraction|render|repeat|rgb|rgbf|rgbft|rgbt|right|ripples|rotate|roughness|samples|scale|scallop_wave|scattering|seed|shadowless|sin|sine_wave|sinh|sky|sky_sphere|slice|slope_map|smooth|smooth_triangle|sor|specular|sphere|spherical|spiral1|spiral2|spotlight|spotted|sqr|sqrt|statistics|str|strcmp|strength|strlen|strlwr|strupr|sturm|substr|superellipsoid|switch|sys|t|tan|tanh|text|texture|texture_map|tga|thickness|threshold|tightness|tile2|tiles|torus|track|transform|translate|transmit|triangle|triangle_wave|true|ttf|turbulence|turb_depth|type|u|ultra_wide_angle|undef|union|up|use_color|use_colour|use_index|u_steps|v|val|variance|vaxis_rotate|vcross|vdot|version|vlength|vnormalize|vrotate|v_steps|warning|warp|water_level|waves|while|width|wood|wrinkles|write|x|y|yes|z)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'braces', 'regex' => '[\\{\\}]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'symbols', 'regex' => '([\\*\\-\\+=:;%&\\|<>\\(\\)\\[\\]!])', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'identifiers', 'regex' => '([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; $LANGUAGE{'povray'} = $LANGUAGE{'pov'}; # by Tom Good $LANGUAGE{'python'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.py$', 'regex' => '^\\s*#\\s*![^\\s]*python', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'python comment', 'regex' => '#.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'single quote string', 'regex' => '\'.*?\'', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"', 'regex' => '""|".*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)"|"\\\\\\\\"', 'regex' => '""|"\\\\\\\\"|"[^"\\\\]"|"[^"].*?[^\\\\]"', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'character constant', 'regex' => '\'(\\\\)?.\'', 'style' => 'character', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '\\\\.', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'numeric constant', 'regex' => '\\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]*)|(\\.[0-9]+))((e|E)(\\+|-)?[0-9]+)?)(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f)?\\b', 'style' => 'numeric', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'keyword', 'regex' => '\\b(and|assert|break|class|continue|del|elif|else|except|exec|finally|for|from|global|if|import|in|is|lambda|not|or|pass|print|raise|return|try|while)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'braces', 'regex' => '[\\{\\}]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'symbols', 'regex' => '([\\*\\-\\+=:;%&\\|<>\\(\\)\\[\\]!])', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'identifiers', 'regex' => '([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'function', 'regex' => '[\\t ]*def[\\t ]+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)[\\t \\(]+.*?[\\n{]', 'style' => 'function header', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'function args', 'regex' => '\\(.*?\\)', 'style' => 'function header args', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'function name', 'regex' => '[\\t ][a-zA-Z0-9_]+', 'style' => 'function header name', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'library functions', 'regex' => '\\b(__import__|abs|apply|buffer|callable|chr|cmp|coerce|compile|complex|delatter|dir|divmod|eval|execfile|filter|float|getattr|globals|hasattr|hash|hex|id|input|int|intern|isinstance|issubclass|len|list|locals|long|map|max|min|oct|open|ord|pow|range|raw_input|reduce|reload|repr|round|setattr|slice|str|tuple|type|unichr|unicode|vars|xrange|zip)\\b', 'style' => 'library function', 'childregex' => [] }, ] }; # by Joshua Swink $LANGUAGE{'ruby'} = { 'filename' => '\\.rb$', 'regex' => '^\\s*#\\s*![^\\s]*\\bruby\\b', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'comment', 'regex' => '(?:#.*?(?:\r?\n\s*)+)+', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'predefined variables', 'regex' => '(?:\\$(?:[!@&`\'+\\d~=/\\\\,;.<>_*\\$?:"]|DEBUG|FILENAME|LOAD_PATH|stdin|stdout|stderr|VERBOSE|-[0adFiIlpv])|\\b(?:TRUE|FALSE|NIL|STDIN|STDOUT|STDERR|ENV|ARGF|ARGV|DATA|RUBY_VERSION|RUBY_RELEASE_DATE|RUBY_PLATFORM)\\b)', 'style' => 'predefined identifier', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'variables', 'regex' => '[\\$@](?:{[^}]*}|[^\\w/\\t\\n\\.,\\\\[\\\\{\\\\(]|[0-9]+|[a-zA-Z_][\\w.]*)?', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => '"" string', 'regex' => '""|"(?:\\\\\\\\)+"|".*?(?:[^\\\\](?:\\\\\\\\)*)"|%[Qwx]?([^\\w\\[\\](){}<>])\\2|%[Qwx]?([^\\w\\[\\](){}<>]).*?(?:[^\\\\](?:\\\\\\\\)*)\\3|%[Qwx]?([^\\w\\[\\](){}<>])\\\\\\\\\\4|%[Qwx]?\\[\\]|%[Qwx]?\\[.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\\]|%[Qwx]?\\[\\\\\\\\\\]|%[Qwx]?\\{\\}|%[Qwx]?\\{.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\\}|%[Qwx]?\\{\\\\\\\\\\}|%[Qwx]?\\(\\)|%[Qwx]?\\(.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\\)|%[Qwx]?\\(\\\\\\\\\\)|%[Qwx]?<>|%[Qwx]?<.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)>|%[Qwx]?<\\\\\\\\>', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex', => '\\\\(?:x[\\da-fA-F]{2}|\d\d\d|c.|M-\\\\C-.|M-.|C-.|.)', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string expression', 'regex' => '#[\\$\\@][a-zA-Z_][\\w.]*|#\\{[\\$\\@]?[^\\}]*\\}', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => '\'\' string', 'regex' => '\'\'|\'(?:\\\\\\\\)+\'|\'.*?(?:[^\\\\](?:\\\\\\\\)*)\'|%q([^\\w\\[\\](){}<>])\\2|%q([^\\w\\[\\](){}<>]).*?(?:[^\\\\](?:\\\\\\\\)*)\\3|%q([^\\w\\[\\](){}<>])\\\\\\\\\\4|%q\\[\\]|%q\\[.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\\]|%q\\[\\\\\\\\\\]|%q\\{\\}|%q\\{.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\\}|%q\\{\\\\\\\\\\}|%q\\(\\)|%q\\(.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\\)|%q\\(\\\\\\\\\\)|%q<>|%q<.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)>|%q<\\\\\\\\>', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'esc character', 'regex' => '(?:\\\\\'|\\\\\\\\)', 'style' => 'esc character', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'subroutine header', 'regex' => 'def[\\t ]+\\w[\\w.]*(?:\\([^)]*\\))?', 'style' => 'function header', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'arg list', 'regex' => '\\(.*\\)', 'style' => 'function header args', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'arg list parens', 'regex' => '[\\(\\)]', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'subroutine header', 'regex' => '[\\t ]\w+', 'style' => 'function header name', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'class header', 'regex' => 'class[\\t ]+\\w+(?:\\s*<\\s*\\w+)?', 'style' => 'function header', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'class ancestor', 'regex' => '<\\s*\\w+', 'style' => 'include', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'inheritance doohickey', 'regex' => '<', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'class main', 'regex' => '[\\t ]\\w+', 'style' => 'type', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'regex matching 0', 'regex' => '(?:%r([^\\w\\[\\](){}<>])\\2|%r([^\\w\\[\\](){}<>]).*?(?:[^\\\\](?:\\\\\\\\)*)\\3|%r([^\\w\\[\\](){}<>])\\\\\\\\\\4|%r\\[\\]|%r\\[.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\\]|%r\\[\\\\\\\\\\]|%r\\{\\}|%r\\{.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\\}|%r\\{\\\\\\\\\\}|%r\\(\\)|%r\\(.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\\)|%r\\(\\\\\\\\\\)|%r<>|%r<.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)>|%r<\\\\\\\\>)[ixpno]*', 'style' => 'regex', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'string expression', 'regex' => '#[\\$\\@][a-zA-Z_][\\w.]*|#\\{[\\$\\@]?[a-zA-Z_][^\\}]*\\}', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'regex matching I', 'regex' => '(?:\\b| )?(?:/(?:\\\\/|[^/\\n])*(?:/[ixpno]*))', 'style' => 'regex', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'string expression', 'regex' => '#[\\$\\@][a-zA-Z_][\\w.]*|#\\{[\\$\\@]?[a-zA-Z_][^\\}]*\\}', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'reserved words', 'regex' => '\\b(BEGIN|class|ensure|nil|self|when|END|def|false|not|super|while|alias|defined|for|or|then|yield|and|do|if|redo|true|begin|else|in|rescue|undef|break|elsif|module|retry|unless|case|end|next|return|until)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'kernel module methods', 'regex', => '\\b(Array|Float|Integer|String|at_exit|autoload|binding|caller|catch|chop|chomp|chomp!|eval|exec|exit|fail|fork|format|gets|global_variables|gsub|iterator|lambda|load|local_variables|loop|open|p|print|printf|proc|putc|puts|raise|rand|readline|readlines|require|select|sleep|split|sprintf|srand|sub|syscall|system|test|trace_var|trap|untrace_var)\\b', 'style' => 'library function', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'braces, parens and brakets', 'regex' => '[\\[\\]\\{\\}\\(\\)]', 'style' => 'braces', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => '<< stuff', 'regex' => '<<(?:("|\')([^\\n]*)\\2|\\w*).*?^\\3$', 'style' => 'text', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'symbols', 'regex' => '(?:[:*-+<>=^!,/]+|\.\.+)', 'style' => 'symbol', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'numbers', 'regex' => '\d[\d.]*', 'style' => 'numeric', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'embedded documentation', 'regex' => '^=.*?^(?:=end|\\Z)', 'style' => 'doc comment', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; # taken from nedit # modified by PP # very inclomplete! $LANGUAGE{'sql'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.sql$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'keywords I', 'regex' => '(?i)(,|%|<|>|:=|=|\\(|\\)|\\bselect|on|from|order by|desc|where|and|or|not|null|true|false)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'comment I', 'regex' => '--.*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'comment II', 'regex' => '/\\*.*?\\*/', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '\'\'|\'.*?([^\\\\](\\\\\\\\)*)\'|\'\\\\\\\\\'', # 'regex' => '(\'\'|\'[^\'\\\\]\'|\'[^\'].*?[^\\\\]\')', 'style' => 'string', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'keywords II', 'regex' => '(?i)end if;|\\b(create|replace|begin|end|function|return|fetch|open|close|into|is|in|when|others|grant|on|to|exception|show|set|out|pragma|as|package)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'keywords III', 'regex' => '(?i)\\balter\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'datatypes', 'regex' => '(?i)\\b(integer|blol|date|numeric|character|varying|varchar|char)\\b', 'style' => 'predefined type', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'words', 'regex' => '(?i)\\b(constraint|key|references|primary|table|foreign|add|insert|group by)\\b', 'style' => 'reserved word', 'childregex' => [] } ] }; # enhanced by W. Friebel $LANGUAGE{'patch'} = { 'filename' => '(?i)\\.patch$|\\.diff$', 'regex' => '', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'header', 'regex' => '^Index: .*?$|^===== .*?$|^diff .*?$|^--- .*?$|^\+\+\+ .*?$|^\*\*\* .*?$', 'style' => 'separator', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'hunk', 'regex' => '^@@ .*?$', 'style' => 'line spec', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'from', 'regex' => '^-.*?$', 'style' => 'deletion', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'to', 'regex' => '^\+.*?$', 'style' => 'insertion', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'mod', 'regex' => '^\!.*?$', 'style' => 'modification', 'childregex' => [] }, ] }; ##### # # LANGUAGE: shell script # $LANGUAGE{'shellscript'} = { 'filename' => '\\.(sh|shell)$', 'regex' => '^\\s*#\\s*![^\\s]*(sh|bash|ash|zsh|ksh)', 'patterns' => [ { 'name' => 'comment', # 'regex' => '^[ \t]*[^$]?\#[^!]?.*?$', 'regex' => '(^| )#([^\\!].)*?$', 'style' => 'comment', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'identifier', 'regex' => '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*=', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [ { 'name' => 'identifier', 'regex' => '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] }, { 'name' => 'identifier', 'regex' => '\\$([0-9#\\*]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] }, { 'name' => 'interpreter line', 'regex' => '^[ \t]*#!.*?$', 'style' => 'preprocessor', childregex => [] }, { 'name' => 'string', 'regex' => '""|"(\\\\"|[^\\"])*"', 'style' => 'string', childregex => [ { 'name' => 'identifier', 'regex' => '\\$([0-9#\\*]|[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)', 'style' => 'identifier', 'childregex' => [] } ] } ] }; $LANGUAGE{'sh'} = $LANGUAGE{'shellscript'}; return \%LANGUAGE; }; use Getopt::Std; getopts('i:l:') || exit 2; $str = main(parse_passed_params( infile => $ARGV[0] || '-', outfile => '-', # linenumbers => 1 , langmode => $opt_l , outputformat => 'xterm' , # many other options )); 1; __END__ =head1 Code2HTML Convert source code (c,java,perl,html,...) into formatted html. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Code2HTML; $html = code2html( $sourcecode ); # or code2html( infile => 'file.java' , outfile => 'file.html', linenumbers => 1 , langmode => 'perl' , # many other options ); =head1 DESCRIPTION Code2HTML converts source code into color-coded, formatted html, either as a simple code2html() function call, or as an Apache handler. This package is an adaptation of Peter Palfrader's code2html application. The statement use Code2HTML; exports the function code2html(), which takes the following arguments $html = code2html( input => $source_code, infile => 'filename.extension', outfile => 'file.html', outputformat => 'html', # or html-dark, or ... langmode => 'java', # or perl,html,c,... langfile => 'langFile', # specify alternative # syntax definitions linenumbers => 1, # turn on linenumbers linknumbers => 1, # linenumber links line_number_prefix => '-', # linenumber anchors replacetabs => 8, # tabs to spaces noheader => '', # don't use template template => 'filename', # override template title => $title, # set html page title content_type => 1, # output httpd header ); All input parameters are optional except the source code specification, which must be defined by either input or infile keys, or by passing exactly one argument which will then be taken to be the source code. input source code to be converted (or set source -infile) infile name of file with code to be converted (or use -input) langmode language of source file. If omitted, code2html will try to guess from the language from the file extension or start of the source code. Language modes provided are ada, ada95, awk, c, c++, cc, cxx, groff, html, java, javascript, js, m4, make, makefile, pas, pas, pascal, perl, plain, pov, povray, ruby, sql. langfile filename of file with alternative syntax definitions outfile name of file to put html in. If omitted, just return html in $html=code2html(...) outputformat style of output html. Available formats are html (default), html-dark, html-light, html-nobg. replacetabs replace tabs in source with given number of spaces title set title of output html page content_type output a Content-Type httpd header linenumbers print line numbers in source code listing =head1 AUTHOR Jim Mahoney (mahoney AT marlboro.edu), Peter Palfrader, and others. =head1 COPYRIGHT and LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by Peter Palfrader and others. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ``Software''), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =head1 SEE ALSO Peter Palfrader's Code2HTML page at http://www.palfrader.org/code2html/