#! /bin/sh skip=857 CRCsum=1372278663 MD5=8b025718d2b70fb2f00c820bf49b3d45 label="NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 96.43.05" version_string=96.43.05 pkg_version=2 script=./nvidia-installer targetdir=NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-96.43.05-pkg2 scriptargs="" keep=n add_this_kernel=n apply_patch=n TMPROOT=${TMPDIR:=/tmp} TARGET_OS="Linux" TARGET_ARCH="x86_64" # # NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 96.43.05 # Generated by Makeself 1.6.0-nv # Do not edit by hand. # NVIDIA Driver Installation .run file # # If you were trying to download this file through a web browser, and # instead are seeing this, please click your browser's back button, # left click on the link, and select "Save as..." (or do whatever is # appropriate for your web browser to download a file, rather than view # it). # print usage information if [ "$1" = "-help" -o "$1" = "--help" -o "$1" = "-h" ]; then echo "" echo "$0 [options]" echo "" echo "This program will install the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver" echo "for Linux-x86_64 96.43.05 by unpacking the embedded tarball and" echo "executing the ./nvidia-installer installation utility." echo "" echo "Below are the most common options; for a complete list use" echo "'--advanced-options'." echo "" echo "--info" echo " Print embedded info (title, default target directory) and exit." echo "" echo "--check" echo " Check integrity of the archive and exit." echo "" echo "-x, --extract-only" echo " Extract the contents of $0, but do not" echo " run 'nvidia-installer'." echo "" echo "" echo "The following arguments will be passed on to the ./nvidia-installer" echo "utility:" echo "" echo " -a, --accept-license" echo " Bypass the display and prompting for acceptance of the" echo " NVIDIA Software License Agreement. By passing this option" echo " to nvidia-installer, you indicate that you have read and" echo " accept the License Agreement contained in the file" echo " 'LICENSE' (in the top level directory of the driver" echo " package)." echo "" echo " --update" echo " Connect to the NVIDIA FTP server '" echo " ftp://download.nvidia.com ' and determine the latest" echo " available driver version. If there is a more recent driver" echo " available, automatically download and install it. Any" echo " other options given on the commandline will be passed on to" echo " the downloaded driver package when installing it." echo "" echo " -v, --version" echo " Print the nvidia-installer version and exit." echo "" echo " -h, --help" echo " Print usage information for the common commandline options" echo " and exit." echo "" echo " -A, --advanced-options" echo " Print usage information for the common commandline options" echo " as well as the advanced options, and then exit." echo "" echo "" exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "-A" -o "$1" = "--advanced-options" ]; then echo "" echo "$0 [options]" echo "" echo "This program will install the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver" echo "for Linux-x86_64 96.43.05 by unpacking the embedded tarball and" echo "executing the ./nvidia-installer installation utility." echo "" echo "--info" echo " Print embedded info (title, default target directory) and exit." echo "" echo "--lsm" echo " Print embedded lsm entry (or no LSM) and exit." echo "" echo "--pkg-history" echo " Print the package history of this file and exit." echo "" echo "--list" echo " Print the list of files in the archive and exit." echo "" echo "--check" echo " Check integrity of the archive and exit." echo "" echo "-x, --extract-only" echo " Extract the contents of $0, but do not" echo " run 'nvidia-installer'." echo "" echo "--add-this-kernel" echo " Build a precompiled kernel interface for the currently running" echo " kernel and repackage the .run file to include this newly built" echo " precompiled kernel interface. The new .run file will be placed" echo " in the current directory and the string \"-custom\" appended" echo " to its name, unless already present, to distinguish it from the" echo " original .run file." echo "" echo "--apply-patch [Patch]" echo " Apply the patch 'Patch' to the kernel interface files included" echo " in the .run file, remove any precompiled kernel interfaces" echo " and then repackage the .run file. The new .run file will be" echo " placed in the current directory and the string \"-custom\"" echo " appended to its name, unless already present, to distinguish it" echo " from the original .run file." echo "" echo "--keep" echo " Do not delete target directory when done." echo "" echo "--target [NewDirectory]" echo " Extract contents in 'NewDirectory'" echo "" echo "" echo "The following arguments will be passed on to the ./nvidia-installer" echo "utility:" echo "" echo "COMMON OPTIONS:" echo "" echo " -a, --accept-license" echo " Bypass the display and prompting for acceptance of the" echo " NVIDIA Software License Agreement. By passing this option" echo " to nvidia-installer, you indicate that you have read and" echo " accept the License Agreement contained in the file" echo " 'LICENSE' (in the top level directory of the driver" echo " package)." echo "" echo " --update" echo " Connect to the NVIDIA FTP server '" echo " ftp://download.nvidia.com ' and determine the latest" echo " available driver version. If there is a more recent driver" echo " available, automatically download and install it. Any" echo " other options given on the commandline will be passed on to" echo " the downloaded driver package when installing it." echo "" echo " -v, --version" echo " Print the nvidia-installer version and exit." echo "" echo " -h, --help" echo " Print usage information for the common commandline options" echo " and exit." echo "" echo " -A, --advanced-options" echo " Print usage information for the common commandline options" echo " as well as the advanced options, and then exit." echo "" echo "" echo "ADVANCED OPTIONS:" echo "" echo " -a, --accept-license" echo " Bypass the display and prompting for acceptance of the" echo " NVIDIA Software License Agreement. By passing this option" echo " to nvidia-installer, you indicate that you have read and" echo " accept the License Agreement contained in the file" echo " 'LICENSE' (in the top level directory of the driver" echo " package)." echo "" echo " --update" echo " Connect to the NVIDIA FTP server '" echo " ftp://download.nvidia.com ' and determine the latest" echo " available driver version. If there is a more recent driver" echo " available, automatically download and install it. Any" echo " other options given on the commandline will be passed on to" echo " the downloaded driver package when installing it." echo "" echo " -v, --version" echo " Print the nvidia-installer version and exit." echo "" echo " -h, --help" echo " Print usage information for the common commandline options" echo " and exit." echo "" echo " -A, --advanced-options" echo " Print usage information for the common commandline options" echo " as well as the advanced options, and then exit." echo "" echo " -i, --driver-info" echo " Print information about the currently installed NVIDIA" echo " driver version." echo "" echo " --uninstall" echo " Uninstall the currently installed NVIDIA driver." echo "" echo " --sanity" echo " Perform basic sanity tests on an existing NVIDIA driver" echo " installation." echo "" echo " -e, --expert" echo " Enable 'expert' installation mode; more detailed questions" echo " will be asked, and more verbose output will be printed;" echo " intended for expert users. The questions may be suppressed" echo " with the '--no-questions' commandline option." echo "" echo " -q, --no-questions" echo " Do not ask any questions; the default (normally 'yes') is" echo " assumed for all yes/no questions, and the default string is" echo " assumed in any situation where the user is prompted for" echo " string input. The one question that is not bypassed by" echo " this option is license acceptance; the license may be" echo " accepted with the commandline option '--accept-license'." echo "" echo " -s, --silent" echo " Run silently; no questions are asked and no output is" echo " printed, except for error messages to stderr. This option" echo " implies '--ui=none --no-questions --accept-license'." echo "" echo " --x-prefix=X-PREFIX" echo " The prefix under which the X components of the NVIDIA" echo " driver will be installed; the default is '/usr/X11R6'" echo " unless nvidia-installer detects that X.Org >= 7.0 is" echo " installed, in which case the default is '/usr'. Only under" echo " rare circumstances should this option be used." echo "" echo " --xfree86-prefix=XFREE86-PREFIX" echo " This is a deprecated synonym for --x-prefix." echo "" echo " --x-module-path=X-MODULE-PATH" echo " The path under which the NVIDIA X server modules will be" echo " installed. If this option is not specified," echo " nvidia-installer uses the following search order and" echo " selects the first valid directory it finds: 1) \`X" echo " -showDefaultModulePath\`, 2) \`pkg-config" echo " --variable=moduledir xorg-server\`, or 3) the X library path" echo " (see the '--x-library-path' option) plus either 'modules'" echo " (for X servers older than X.Org 7.0) or 'xorg/modules' (for" echo " X.Org 7.0 or later)." echo "" echo " --x-library-path=X-LIBRARY-PATH" echo " The path under which the NVIDIA X libraries will be" echo " installed. If this option is not specified," echo " nvidia-installer uses the following search order and" echo " selects the first valid directory it finds: 1) \`X" echo " -showDefaultLibPath\`, 2) \`pkg-config --variable=libdir" echo " xorg-server\`, or 3) the X prefix (see the '--x-prefix'" echo " option) plus 'lib' on 32bit systems, and either 'lib64' or" echo " 'lib' on 64bit systems, depending on the installed Linux" echo " distribution." echo "" echo " --opengl-prefix=OPENGL-PREFIX" echo " The prefix under which the OpenGL components of the NVIDIA" echo " driver will be installed; the default is: '/usr'. Only" echo " under rare circumstances should this option be used. The" echo " Linux OpenGL ABI" echo " (http://oss.sgi.com/projects/ogl-sample/ABI/) mandates this" echo " default value." echo "" echo " --opengl-libdir=OPENGL-LIBDIR" echo " The path relative to the OpenGL library installation prefix" echo " under which the NVIDIA OpenGL components will be installed." echo " The default is 'lib' on 32bit systems, and 'lib64' or 'lib'" echo " on 64bit systems, depending on the installed Linux" echo " distribution. Only under very rare circumstances should" echo " this option be used." echo "" echo " --installer-prefix=INSTALLER-PREFIX" echo " The prefix under which the installer binary will be" echo " installed; the default is: '/usr'. Note: please use the" echo " '--utility-prefix' option instead." echo "" echo " --utility-prefix=UTILITY-PREFIX" echo " The prefix under which the NVIDIA utilities" echo " (nvidia-installer, nvidia-settings, nvidia-xconfig," echo " nvidia-bug-report.sh) and the NVIDIA utility libraries will" echo " be installed; the default is: '/usr'." echo "" echo " --utility-libdir=UTILITY-LIBDIR" echo " The path relative to the utility installation prefix under" echo " which the NVIDIA utility libraries will be installed. The" echo " default is 'lib' on 32bit systems, and 'lib64' or 'lib' on" echo " 64bit systems, depending on the installed Linux" echo " distribution." echo "" echo " --documentation-prefix=DOCUMENTATION-PREFIX" echo " The prefix under which the documentation files for the" echo " NVIDIA driver will be installed. The default is: '/usr'." echo "" echo " --kernel-include-path=KERNEL-INCLUDE-PATH" echo " The directory containing the kernel include files that" echo " should be used when compiling the NVIDIA kernel module. " echo " This option is deprecated; please use" echo " '--kernel-source-path' instead." echo "" echo " --kernel-source-path=KERNEL-SOURCE-PATH" echo " The directory containing the kernel source files that" echo " should be used when compiling the NVIDIA kernel module. " echo " When not specified, the installer will use" echo " '/lib/modules/\`uname -r\`/build', if that directory exists. " echo " Otherwise, it will use '/usr/src/linux'." echo "" echo " --kernel-output-path=KERNEL-OUTPUT-PATH" echo " The directory containing any KBUILD output files if either" echo " one of the 'KBUILD_OUTPUT' or 'O' parameters were passed to" echo " KBUILD when building the kernel image/modules. When not" echo " specified, the installer will assume that no separate" echo " output directory was used." echo "" echo " --kernel-install-path=KERNEL-INSTALL-PATH" echo " The directory in which the NVIDIA kernel module should be" echo " installed. The default value is either" echo " '/lib/modules/\`uname -r\`/kernel/drivers/video' (if" echo " '/lib/modules/\`uname -r\`/kernel' exists) or" echo " '/lib/modules/\`uname -r\`/video'." echo "" echo " --proc-mount-point=PROC-MOUNT-POINT" echo " The mount point for the proc file system; if not specified," echo " then this value defaults to '/proc' (which is normally" echo " correct). The mount point of the proc filesystem is needed" echo " because the contents of '/version' is used" echo " when identifying if a precompiled kernel interface is" echo " available for the currently running kernel. This option" echo " should only be needed in very rare circumstances." echo "" echo " --log-file-name=LOG-FILE-NAME" echo " File name of the installation log file (the default is:" echo " '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log')." echo "" echo " --tmpdir=TMPDIR" echo " Use the specified directory as a temporary directory when" echo " downloading files from the NVIDIA ftp site; if not given," echo " then the following list will be searched, and the first one" echo " that exists will be used: $TMPDIR, /tmp, ., $HOME." echo "" echo " -m, --ftp-mirror=FTP-MIRROR" echo " Use the specified FTP mirror rather than the default '" echo " ftp://download.nvidia.com ' when downloading driver" echo " updates." echo "" echo " -l, --latest" echo " Connect to the NVIDIA FTP server '" echo " ftp://download.nvidia.com ' (or use the ftp mirror" echo " specified with the '--ftp-mirror' option) and query the" echo " most recent Linux-x86 driver version number." echo "" echo " -f, --force-update" echo " Forces an update to proceed, even if the installer thinks" echo " the latest driver is already installed; this option implies" echo " '--update'." echo "" echo " --ui=UI" echo " Specify what user interface to use, if available. Valid" echo " values for UI are 'ncurses' (the default) or 'none'. If the" echo " ncurses interface fails to initialize, or 'none' is" echo " specified, then a simple printf/scanf interface will be" echo " used." echo "" echo " -c, --no-ncurses-color" echo " Disable use of color in the ncurses user interface." echo "" echo " --no-opengl-headers" echo " Normally, installation will install NVIDIA's OpenGL header" echo " files. This option disables installation of the NVIDIA" echo " OpenGL header files." echo "" echo " --force-tls=FORCE-TLS" echo " NVIDIA's OpenGL libraries are compiled with one of two" echo " different thread local storage (TLS) mechanisms: 'classic" echo " tls' which is used on systems with glibc 2.2 or older, and" echo " 'new tls' which is used on systems with tls-enabled glibc" echo " 2.3 or newer. nvidia-installer will select the OpenGL" echo " libraries appropriate for your system; however, you may use" echo " this option to force the installer to install one library" echo " type or another. Valid values for FORCE-TLS are 'new' and" echo " 'classic'." echo "" echo " -k, --kernel-name=KERNEL-NAME" echo " Build and install the NVIDIA kernel module for the" echo " non-running kernel specified by KERNEL-NAME (KERNEL-NAME" echo " should be the output of \`uname -r\` when the target kernel" echo " is actually running). This option implies" echo " '--no-precompiled-interface'. If the options" echo " '--kernel-install-path' and '--kernel-source-path' are not" echo " given, then they will be inferred from KERNEL-NAME; eg:" echo " '/lib/modules/KERNEL-NAME/kernel/drivers/video/' and" echo " '/lib/modules/KERNEL-NAME/build/', respectively." echo "" echo " -n, --no-precompiled-interface" echo " Disable use of precompiled kernel interfaces." echo "" echo " --no-runlevel-check" echo " Normally, the installer checks the current runlevel and" echo " warns users if they are in runlevel 1: in runlevel 1, some" echo " services that are normally active are disabled (such as" echo " devfs), making it difficult for the installer to properly" echo " setup the kernel module configuration files. This option" echo " disables the runlevel check." echo "" echo " --no-abi-note" echo " The NVIDIA OpenGL libraries contain an OS ABI note tag," echo " which identifies the minimum kernel version needed to use" echo " the library. This option causes the installer to remove" echo " this note from the OpenGL libraries during installation." echo "" echo " --no-rpms" echo " Normally, the installer will check for several rpms that" echo " conflict with the driver (specifically: NVIDIA_GLX and" echo " NVIDIA_kernel), and remove them if present. This option" echo " disables this check." echo "" echo " -b, --no-backup" echo " During driver installation, conflicting files are backed" echo " up, so that they can be restored when the driver is" echo " uninstalled. This option causes the installer to simply" echo " delete conflicting files, rather than back them up." echo "" echo " -N, --no-network" echo " This option instructs the installer to not attempt to" echo " connect to the NVIDIA ftp site (for updated precompiled" echo " kernel interfaces, for example)." echo "" echo " --no-recursion" echo " Normally, nvidia-installer will recursively search for" echo " potentially conflicting libraries under the default OpenGL" echo " and X server installation locations. With this option set," echo " the installer will only search in the top-level" echo " directories." echo "" echo " -K, --kernel-module-only" echo " Install a kernel module only, and do not uninstall the" echo " existing driver. This is intended to be used to install" echo " kernel modules for additional kernels (in cases where you" echo " might boot between several different kernels). To use this" echo " option, you must already have a driver installed, and the" echo " version of the installed driver must match the version of" echo " this kernel module." echo "" echo " --no-kernel-module" echo " Install everything but the kernel module, and do not remove" echo " any existing, possibly conflicting kernel modules. This" echo " can be useful in some DEBUG environments. If you use this" echo " option, you must be careful to ensure that a NVIDIA kernel" echo " module matching this driver version is installed" echo " seperately." echo "" echo " --no-x-check" echo " Do not abort the installation if nvidia-installer detects" echo " that an X server is running. Only under very rare" echo " circumstances should this option be used." echo "" echo " --precompiled-kernel-interfaces-path=PRECOMPILED-KERNEL-INTERFA" echo " CES-PATH" echo " Before searching for a precompiled kernel interface in the" echo " .run file, search in the specified directory." echo "" echo " -X, --run-nvidia-xconfig" echo " nvidia-installer can optionally invoke the nvidia-xconfig" echo " utility. This will update the system X configuration file" echo " so that the NVIDIA X driver is used. The pre-existing X" echo " configuration file will be backed up. At the end of" echo " installation, nvidia-installer will ask the user if they" echo " wish to run nvidia-xconfig; the default response is 'no'. " echo " Use this option to make the default response 'yes'. This" echo " is useful with the '--no-questions' or '--silent' options," echo " which assume the default values for all questions." echo "" echo " --force-selinux=FORCE-SELINUX" echo " Linux installations using SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux)" echo " require that the security type of all shared libraries be" echo " set to 'shlib_t' or 'textrel_shlib_t', depending on the" echo " distribution. nvidia-installer will detect when to set the" echo " security type, and set it using chcon(1) on the shared" echo " libraries it installs. If the execstack(8) system utility" echo " is present, nvidia-installer will use it to also clear the" echo " executable stack flag of the libraries. Use this option to" echo " override nvidia-installer's detection of when to set the" echo " security type. Valid values for FORCE-SELINUX are 'yes'" echo " (force setting of the security type), 'no' (prevent setting" echo " of the security type), and 'default' (let nvidia-installer" echo " decide when to set the security type)." echo "" echo " --selinux-chcon-type=SELINUX-CHCON-TYPE" echo " When SELinux support is enabled, nvidia-installer will try" echo " to determine which chcon argument to use by first trying" echo " 'textrel_shlib_t', then 'texrel_shlib_t', then 'shlib_t'. " echo " Use this option to override this detection logic." echo "" echo " --no-sigwinch-workaround" echo " Normally, nvidia-installer ignores the SIGWINCH signal" echo " before it forks to execute commands, e.g. to build the" echo " kernel module, and restores the SIGWINCH signal handler" echo " after the child process has terminated. This option" echo " disables this behavior." echo "" echo "" exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "-lsm" -o "$1" = "--lsm" ]; then cat << EOF_LSM Begin3 Title: NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver Set for Linux-x86_64 Version: 96.43.05 Description: The NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver Set for Linux-x86_64 provides accelerated 2D and 3D support for Linux-x86_64 using NVIDIA GPUs. Keywords: OpenGL XFree86 NVIDIA Author: NVIDIA Corporation Linux Development Team (linux-bugs 'at' nvidia.com) Maintained-by: NVIDIA Corporation Linux Development Team (linux-bugs 'at' nvidia.com) Original-site: http://www.nvidia.com Platform: Linux Copying-policy: NVIDIA Software License End EOF_LSM exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--pkg-history" ]; then cat << EOF_PKG_HISTORY Package history for NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-96.43.05: NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-96.43.05-pkg0: Initial package NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-96.43.05-pkg1: Added precompiled kernel interfaces for: NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-96.43.05-pkg2: Added 32 bit compatibility libraries EOF_PKG_HISTORY exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--label" ]; then echo "$label"; exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--version-string" ]; then echo "$version_string"; exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--pkg-version" ]; then echo "$pkg_version"; exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--target-os" ]; then echo "$TARGET_OS"; exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--target-arch" ]; then echo "$TARGET_ARCH"; exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--target-directory" ]; then echo "$targetdir"; exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--script" ]; then echo "$script $scriptargs" exit 0 fi if [ "$1" = "--info" ]; then echo echo " Identification : $label" echo " Target directory : $targetdir" echo " Uncompressed size : 33036 KB" echo " Compression : gzip" echo " Date of packaging : Tue Jan 22 20:31:32 PST 2008" echo " Application run after extraction : $script $scriptargs" echo if [ x"$keep" = xy ]; then echo " The directory $targetdir will not be removed after extraction." else echo " The directory $targetdir will be removed after extraction." fi echo exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--list" ]; then echo "Target directory: $targetdir" tail -n +$skip $0 | gzip -cd | tar tvf - 2> /dev/null exit 0; fi if [ "$1" = "--check" ]; then sum1=`tail -n +6 $0 | cksum | sed -e 's/ /Z/' -e 's/ /Z/' | cut -dZ -f1` [ "$sum1" != "$CRCsum" ] && { echo "Error in checksums $sum1 $CRCsum" exit 2; } if [ $MD5 != "00000000000000000000000000000000" ]; then # space separated list of directories [ x"$GUESS_MD5_PATH" = "x" ] && GUESS_MD5_PATH="/usr/local/ssl/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin" MD5_PATH="" for a in $GUESS_MD5_PATH; do #if which $a/md5 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ -x "$a/md5sum" ]; then MD5_PATH=$a; fi done if [ -x $MD5_PATH/md5sum ]; then md5sum=`tail -n +6 $0 | $MD5_PATH/md5sum | cut -b-32`; [ $md5sum != $MD5 ] && { echo "Error in md5 sums $md5sum $MD5" exit 2 } || { echo "check sums and md5 sums are ok"; exit 0; } fi if [ ! -x $MD5_PATH/md5sum ]; then echo "an embedded md5 sum of the archive exists but no md5 program was found in $GUESS_MD5_PATH" echo "if you have md5 on your system, you should try :" echo "env GUESS_MD5_PATH=\"FirstDirectory SecondDirectory ...\" $0 -check" fi else echo "check sums are OK ; echo $0 does not contain embedded md5 sum" ; fi exit 0; fi run_script=y keep=n apply_patch=n while [ "$1" ]; do case "$1" in "--extract-only"|"-x") run_script=n; keep=y; ;; "--keep") keep=y; ;; "--target") if [ "$2" ]; then targetdir="$2"; keep=y; shift; else echo "ERROR: --target: no target directory specified." exit 1; fi ;; "--add-this-kernel") add_this_kernel=y; scriptargs="$scriptargs $1" ;; "--apply-patch") if [ "$2" ]; then if [ "`dirname $2`" != "." ]; then patchfile="$2"; else patchfile="`pwd`/$2" fi run_script=n; apply_patch=y; shift; else echo "ERROR: --apply-patch: no patch file specified." exit 1; fi ;; *) scriptargs="$scriptargs $1" ;; esac shift done # Perform a platform check LOCAL_OS=`uname 2> /dev/null` LOCAL_ARCH=`uname -m 2> /dev/null` [ "$LOCAL_ARCH" = "i386" ] && LOCAL_ARCH="x86" [ "$LOCAL_ARCH" = "i486" ] && LOCAL_ARCH="x86" [ "$LOCAL_ARCH" = "i586" ] && LOCAL_ARCH="x86" [ "$LOCAL_ARCH" = "i686" ] && LOCAL_ARCH="x86" if [ -z "$LOCAL_OS" -o -z "$LOCAL_ARCH" ]; then echo "ERROR: missing/broken uname. Cannot perform platform check." exit 1; fi if [ "$LOCAL_ARCH" != "$TARGET_ARCH" -o "$LOCAL_OS" != "$TARGET_OS" ]; then if [ "$run_script" = "y" ]; then echo "" echo "ERROR: this .run file is intended for the" echo "${TARGET_OS}-${TARGET_ARCH} platform, but you appear to be" echo "running on ${LOCAL_OS}-${LOCAL_ARCH}. Aborting installation." echo "" exit 1; fi fi if [ "$keep" = "y" ]; then echo "Creating directory $targetdir"; tmpdir=$targetdir; else workingdir="$TMPROOT/selfgz$$" tmpdir="$workingdir/$targetdir"; rm -rf $tmpdir fi if [ -d "$tmpdir" -o -f "$tmpdir" ]; then echo "The directory '$tmpdir' already exists. Please either" echo "move the existing directory out of the way, or specify a" echo "different directory with the '--target' option." exit 1 fi mkdir -p $tmpdir || { echo "Unable to create the target directory '$tmpdir'." exit 1 } location="`pwd`" echo=echo; [ -x /usr/ucb/echo ] && echo=/usr/ucb/echo if [ x$SETUP_NOCHECK != x1 ]; then $echo -n "Verifying archive integrity... " sum1=`tail -n +6 $0 | cksum | sed -e 's/ /Z/' -e 's/ /Z/' | cut -dZ -f1` [ $sum1 != $CRCsum ] && { $echo "Error in check sums $sum1 $CRCsum" exit 2; } echo "OK" fi if [ $MD5 != \"00000000000000000000000000000000\" ]; then # space separated list of directories [ x"$GUESS_MD5_PATH" = "x" ] && GUESS_MD5_PATH="/usr/local/ssl/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/bin" MD5_PATH="" for a in $GUESS_MD5_PATH; do #if which $a/md5 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then if [ -x "$a/md5sum" ]; then MD5_PATH=$a; fi done if [ -x $MD5_PATH/md5sum ]; then md5sum=`tail -n +6 $0 | $MD5_PATH/md5sum | cut -b-32`; [ $md5sum != $MD5 ] && { $echo "Error in md5 sums $md5sum $MD5" exit 2; } fi fi UnTAR() { tar xvf - 2> /dev/null || { echo "Extraction failed." > /dev/tty; kill -15 $$; }; } $echo -n "Uncompressing $label" cd $tmpdir ; res=3 [ "$keep" = "y" ] || trap '$echo "Signal caught, cleaning up" > /dev/tty; cd $TMPROOT; rm -rf $tmpdir; exit 15' 1 2 15 if (cd "$location"; tail -n +$skip $0; ) | gzip -cd | UnTAR | (while read a; do $echo -n "."; done; $echo; ); then chown -Rf `id -u`:`id -g` . res=0; if [ "$script" -a "$run_script" = "y" ]; then $script $scriptargs $*; res=$? fi if [ "$add_this_kernel" = "y" -a "$res" = "0" ]; then repackage_file=y; fi if [ "$apply_patch" = "y" ]; then patch=`which patch 2> /dev/null | head -n 1` if [ $? -eq 0 -a "$patch" ]; then if [ "$keep" = "y" ]; then cp -pR usr/src/nv usr/src/nv.orig fi $patch -p0 < "$patchfile" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then $echo "Failed to apply patch file \"$patchfile\"." if [ "$keep" = "y" ]; then rm -rf usr/src/nv mv usr/src/nv.orig usr/src/nv fi else if [ "$keep" = "y" ]; then rm -rf usr/src/nv.orig fi rm -rf usr/src/nv/*.orig usr/src/nv/precompiled repackage_file=y fi else $echo "Couldn't locate the 'patch' utility." fi fi if [ "$repackage_file" = "y" ]; then cd .. new_targetdir="`basename $targetdir | sed -e \"s/-custom//\"`" new_targetdir="${new_targetdir}-custom" if [ "$targetdir" != "$new_targetdir" ]; then mv $targetdir $new_targetdir fi # update the pkg-history.txt file chmod 644 ./$new_targetdir/pkg-history.txt if [ "$add_this_kernel" = "y" ]; then $echo "$new_targetdir: Added precompiled kernel interface for: " >> ./$new_targetdir/pkg-history.txt $echo "`uname -s -r -v -m 2> /dev/null`" >> ./$new_targetdir/pkg-history.txt else $echo "$new_targetdir: Applied patch file: $patchfile" >> ./$new_targetdir/pkg-history.txt fi $echo "" >> ./$new_targetdir/pkg-history.txt # retrieve the lsm file tmplsm="$TMPDIR/nvidia.lsm.$$" if [ "`dirname $0`" != "." ]; then sh $0 --lsm > $tmplsm else sh $location/$0 --lsm > $tmplsm fi sh ./$new_targetdir/usr/bin/makeself.sh --lsm $tmplsm --version-string $version_string --pkg-version $pkg_version --pkg-history ./$new_targetdir/pkg-history.txt --target-os $TARGET_OS --target-arch $TARGET_ARCH $new_targetdir $new_targetdir.run "$label" "$script" rm -f $tmplsm [ "$keep" = "y" ] || mv $new_targetdir.run $location fi [ "$keep" = "y" ] || { cd $TMPROOT; rm -rf $workingdir; } else $echo "Cannot decompress $0"; exit 1 fi exit $res END_OF_STUB $ÖGZ tTE~tH-xJgLTNH0Qik6b6MCZN5E pyl";38ufs8c~$ztw]VD%&cGp)]u{Vխ{'PPF?~ki)ҒbLT"%%E%X^T\zk /=AQօuM>H[ҐW@?Pa0s-v/7ܲ/$Bs엙[?^*oTU/N1FTaTwFWRl(OP&_0M X/K($ $PVJ보v&ʍ1^}F]Z\a*Hf )}y`zN7 7o~ O,^gWɓ aH )TaWZ2(K Iq®x 7 ㅖx:J3Ք D|` 8^q%v1I)3>Y&ůق=)>EhMO35p"':LMc]s i)sǐAw;ߦ×u1pe;]:w-^]XX]M7/ ?w=$Pm`'nt/'mQ'>z*OPhB/'}uB!M.@:aIk"wqAqWݏ)#IJax ~T9FLdZV>DOJ:2!5{`/ѿn^IacݜFi-7g^ $:p G#7)4" Z;6QN'P^v5sSϬn,v"w_~piԖL}yqwo39K?Dm*?S|XWCqSpV@F[ʛk _FwpX__IKt")~ ʏQG>g)JS1Lf(e{Z &z e ȐBQzd~T&?96ַ^| ܛy.v;NM%9Sof-ѵr8np~oy.n/rxYnΟq8|ïp3 OaOxmyߖMaX8׵rt]<8|XJ}d;g;ӳ; ;ʓwxHiƺ }$c/!c DM0AFӋzҨnEVl-#!Rq* i4з! ]4\B蛐HBo@M,6%ӑz2ғH dB } ?:'BOcHO%'Q~kIG>s)o/)Gkj]mU RAD-}牙yjdWoZ=\=7\=={&yꠏUJpH)/. ҁ'Ա<7MPzFq m?'p*JGOq[R.8yv*>څO'|T*JVѪ>5K)Mx8V:>@P;/y/PchZҧfH|'YLmv!A n3"u6{p(AWǡW򾶊v9R}ǩ=ؘa~۩9jr(9XWV ~ )jElVQCm|Q"RFʡj%޹;:u NV)pq~[{׳Jʽ6FER.PL/Z8WTɱG@ޞ+pUd(%V}^≢᩵%VV8mՐ/F {:`{699k{iίyƜ/=aίowڌxGH;N%괉T]gAPގr^ `x~x^H :e I@\x{[A-VRu<3)I/sL-#?w1ٛ+Bj{*&yO*pr);CU).Qiz !h@%*ǔ߻nM׈&Iő#Txzs&w~pV~5:G.ouuc*Ә= 0rbNĜ7@an-b*Gs1s sG0W97ڈY Y<^]~hZ.4)-uaGgze6K >-72o1Vm>l4o :':ymp!6r`&6Q^8f+&%5I[KEWk4[ѕm-Z}G+cZͩEv} tȔϹ8";pD^wMaނ2WCX}>274JZ/d]wl70y< 72(:L}V?6!6J[p~ ! `r"S3ӀaVi“wqS¹]Ej;K},[;}׽,uIZP;~Cn$*$O9scvyOCS->ɻi4To;j\"klւz)w2(EvL!hR!0K$Col#} 0)RaKyu"(!Zgq*LtPb C#03D $TX  Zv,N9nhjo%=GLI12f8+ut R^l# )o4Vu$éȶ,WdPgG@d@7+2ߦ~" YU62+;WĦSBy Wk+}Nz BC{R& ¢z/,[rW]QTKQٖDlT4,щLւf"0 ~_֭.RX&Z`Q8j Yņ uijh`f*^^koHKd%·=AdCd./?}TO]H%o8vi;xMۘuyOWN^e{e ܈+GB$`q`SFߡya{ۏ񋢏Π).ђdzWS800|D:\CDME~&4*ڤQ쪘D 7N7| ?Y-iUPZ"FhJ`&ڲ7];ZFλj6hu4w'.Pϡhv{Cfpx@H  Zeo/ѷEʀg]OE|>qEb}sP~cnF1/7_0n6$+`r+{/_}& %}r@ dN'ʙ[w9fozW1$+眙{'з}|oy9y {6uEѡTTT3؃"sDt=FF}J5?=\=Pjtxs>EݎM~x7FՅED9ق!Wk=4؋3L4"^X46pe6͋P6q"hه?GzFǩQIH+ԎR7%h4QAk8aT##GEjk#{l,=C :J#z`tP$_Ay]']5aGdx5Yީ} W! 0'H^Y@pu uhu:P^X^xF5|%Kݗ y0P|.PbÏȨrtkxz`VzA9=N=ƖP$Je>dFv.-u5M*7B$1uk(4]FUv{>MSж9qhluiHh#{w$›QsQ^ }!+%6 0 ׆ }`o= b |zv!#"My2NUBz"1N?~ Y5K";"HB*C}e+mxOGVw66ՖEKʨ0ۋ*J/-=tqbMy1=69}`~ʦxS>kk 9S\Xt Rc4>Q 9>m7~ӌk߅bۧߍ5mAzƣ*-~59 _Mqj@+y Ixmhu%\.J%+>EiD*h[%P|8X5f܆xۿ#RӨ Ӽ8yھ0g 'ԫdnJixK%5{No,>ŕIQ| 4[4k3i+a~r WиM/ca^,Š*>b|KDr{ R\\U "ouKRAڵ.QTR]7D ! 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